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Soundly based in the research literature and theory, this comprehensive introductory text is a practical guide to teaching physical education to the elementary school child. Its skill theme approach guides... czytaj dalej
In response to extensive feedback from reviewers, the fourth edition of this established and popular text has been thoroughly updated to meet the needs of the modern business student. It presents a comprehensive... czytaj dalej
The story of the Intifada in the Gaza Strip, with its tragic and inspiring outcomes, is slowly fading from the world's collective memory. In the final weeks of 1987, however, this small strip of land became... czytaj dalej
An invaluable reference for anyone looking for the ins and outs of buying and selling a home. From selecting the appropriate real estate agent to make the process less stressful, to learning the process of... czytaj dalej
Display stand for holding the Euromarket Day Finder Calendar.... czytaj dalej
The United States has been developing space for many years, and satellites provide the US Military with an unparalleled advantage over its adversaries. Constellations of both military and civilian satellites... czytaj dalej
Le premier grand roman (1861) de Dostoievski, alors âgé de quarante ans, écrit a son retour de Sibérie. Il a eu, depuis sa parution, plus de lecteurs que L'Idiot. Publié en feuilleton, c'est un roman d'aventures... czytaj dalej
The definitive DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development (Exam 703) preparation guide--straight from IBM Covers database objects, SQL, embedded SQL, CLI/ODBC, JDBC, SQLJ, transactions, stored procedures,... czytaj dalej
This volume is dedicated to the late B.F. Skinner as a tribute to his pioneering work on the experimental analysis of behaviour. This science that he initiated studies the behaviour of individual organisms... czytaj dalej
Interest in fraud auditing and accounting has never been higher, as companies continue to lose money through internal fraud and the penalties related to new organizational sentencing guidelines. Since the responsibility... czytaj dalej