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Central & South America Healthy Travel 1e
Isabelle Young Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Getting the most out of your travels means staying healthy. Healthy Travel Central South America is a user-friendly guide to minimising health risks and dealing with problems while on the road.clear guidelines... czytaj dalej

Reign of Edward II
Dodd Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Edward II presided over a turbulent and politically charged period of English history, but to date he has been relatively neglected in comparison to other fourteenth and fifteenth-century kings. This book offers... czytaj dalej

Fontaine ou La vie Est un Conte
Jean Orieux Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Quand Jean Orieux nous fait découvrir La Fontaine, c'est en véritable ami qu'il le présente, c'est-ŕ-dire sans indulgence mais sans sévérité, avec une tendresse toujours chaleureuse. Il essaie - et il y parvient... czytaj dalej

Ruhig Blut
T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hilbert Himmelwärts hat nicht gerade den idealen Zeitpunkt gewählt, um Priester zu werden. Bei seiner Ankunft im kleinen Königreich Lancre rechnet er mit nichts anderem als einer schlichten religiösen Zeremonie... czytaj dalej

Architecture Industry & Innovation v 2
C. Amery Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nicholas Grimshaw is one of the pre-eminent figures of the British architectural scene, responsible for some of the outstanding buildings of the last decade. This volume covers the years 1965-88, a period which... czytaj dalej

MemoVet Praxis-Leitfaden Tiermedizin
U. Knickel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

MemoVet ist ein Kompendium, das aus der Praxis entstanden ist. In der nun vorliegenden vierten, überarbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage wurden vor allem die Änderungen im Bereich des Arzneimittelrechts berücksichtigt... czytaj dalej

Stanley Tigerman Buildings & Projects PB
S. Tigerman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the author of almost two hundred architectural projects, and as one of the leading educators in the profession today, Stanley Tigerman's position within the American architectural establishment is firmly... czytaj dalej

Journey of a Woman 20 Years of Donna Karan
Sischy Wydawnictwo: inne

The first designer to appropriate a city - New York - as her own, Donna Karan has come to symbolize casual elegance. The journey of a woman: 20 years of Donna Karan celebrates her career, her vision, her life... czytaj dalej

Corporate Governance
Nofsinger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first of its kind, Nofsinger provides an overview of our corporate governance system in a flexible, modular format. Today, the term "corporate governance" is familiar to almost everyone.  Unfortunately... czytaj dalej

Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature 5 vols
D. Kastan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From folk ballads to film scripts, this new five-volume encyclopedia covers the entire history of British literature from the seventh century to the present, focusing on the writers and the major texts of what... czytaj dalej