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Practical Problems in Dermatology 2e
R. Marks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ideal for all dealing with those dermatological conditions most commonly encountered in primary medical care. ... czytaj dalej

Davidson's Principles & Practice of Medicine
Nicholas Boon Wydawnictwo: inne

For over half a century Davidson has informed and educated students, doctors and other health professionals all over the world. The 20th edition of this concise yet comprehensive text lives up to its reputation... czytaj dalej

Translation & Gender Translation in the "Era of Feminism"
L. Flotow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Translation practice, translation theory and translation criticism have all been affected by the focus on gender. With the dismantling of "universal" meaning and the struggle for women's visibility... czytaj dalej

Guide Galactique v2
D. Adams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Pauvre Arthur Accroc! Apprendre qu'on est devenu pere sans avoir... enfin rien fait pour ça, voila de quoi ébranler le flegme le plus involontaire de toute la Galaxie! Suffisamment, en tout cas, pour aller... czytaj dalej

Symbols of Love
Lee Wydawnictwo: inne

How would you describe love? A feeling that escapes words, love is expressed eloquently through the visual language of symbols. Colorful and engaging, Symbols of Love strikes at the core of this elusive emotion... czytaj dalej

Temporary Urban Spaces Concepts for the Use of City Spaces
R. Temel Wydawnictwo: inne

For some time now, a new approach has been emerging to questions of town planning and the use of public and private space. The focus is no longer on the master plan, the strategy, and the making of long-term... czytaj dalej

Consumer Behavior Building Marketing Strategy With Ddb Need
Hawkins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Consumer Behavior, 9/e, by Hawkins, Best, Coney offers balanced coverage of consumer behavior including the psychological, social, and managerial implications. The new edition features current and exciting... czytaj dalej

Everyday Oracle DBA
A. Wells Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hundreds of Ways to Get More Done Faster Learn how to effectively and efficiently administer an Oracle database and handle a variety of daily tasks with ease. Filled with tips, tricks, and shortcuts, Everyday... czytaj dalej

Free to Trade
M. Ridpath Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

London bond trader Paul Murray finds success beyond his dreams at a mega-million-dollar trading house, and maybe even the love of his life in his bold, irreverent colleague, Debbie Chater. Then Debbie's body... czytaj dalej

Josephine Hart Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Laura Bolton is dead, but she will not go away. Her mother keeps a shrine to her memory, and her husband, Andrew, is haunted by her presence even when he is making love to another woman. The dead in this story... czytaj dalej