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Why Buildings Stand Up
Mario Salvadori Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Between a nomad's tent and the Sears Tower lies a revolution in technology, materials, and structures. Here is a clear and enthusiastic introduction to building methods from ancient times to the present day... czytaj dalej

Policing & War in Europe
L. Knafla Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume seeks to mark a departure in criminal justice history. The seven chapter essays, together with the reviews of 12 major works in the area, establish the series as a forum for exploring areas of research... czytaj dalej

Adobe Illustrator CS3
A. Team Wydawnictwo: inne

This thorough guide to Adobe Illustrator CS3 is ideal for beginning users who want to master the key features of Adobe's powerful vector drawing software. Using clear, step-by-step lessons, each chapter contains... czytaj dalej

Little Brown Compact Handbook
J. Aaron Wydawnictwo: inne

The Little, Brown Compact Handbook packages the authority and currency of its best-selling parent, The Little, Brown Handbook, in a briefer book with comb-binding and tabbed dividers. Concise and accessible... czytaj dalej

R. Harms Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The slave trade is one of the best known yet least understood processes in history. The popular image of traders and slave ships going to Africa and rounding up slaves as if they were cattle is not only historically... czytaj dalej

Still Life
Irving Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Als Kind stand er in einem Museum vor einem niederländischen Stilleben und betrachtete fasziniert, was sich dort alles abspielt: eine Fliege sitzt auf einer Brotkruste, eine Maus knabbert am Käse, Käfer machen... czytaj dalej

Nobel Prize First 100 Years
A. Levinovitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Nobel Prize, as founded in Alfred Nobel's will, was the first truly international prize. There is no other award with the same global scope and mission. The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology... czytaj dalej

Performing the Body/Performing the Text
A. Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the 1960s, visual art practices - from body art to minimalism - have taken contemporary art outside the museum and gallery, by embracing theatricality and performance and exploding the boundaries set... czytaj dalej

Dumb Witness
A. Christie Wydawnictwo: inne

Miss Emily was old, rich, and afraid--and now, she's dead. Her terrified plea to Hercule Poirot came a little too late. All that's left is a house full of greedy heirs, and a very strange letter that could... czytaj dalej

Postern of Fate
A. Christie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Tommy and Tuppence Beresford are just settling into their new home in a resort town when they come across a collection of children's books hidden away by a previous owner. One of the books bears the message... czytaj dalej