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Accounting Texts & Cases with Dynamic Accounting Powerweb
Anthony Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Text Cases, by Anthony, Hawkins, and Merchant is a 28 chapter book written to cover both financial and managerial accounting followed by broader managerial issues. Chapters 1 -14 cover financial accounting... czytaj dalej

Neurobiology of Food & Fluid Intake
Stricker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Volume 14 provides the reader with a wide variety of perspectives on the enormous changes that have occurred in the study of food and fluid intake since the first edition of Neurobiology of Food and Fluid Intake... czytaj dalej

Miss Amgel
A. Goodden Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One of the most successful women artists in history, Angelica Kauffman became the toast of Georgian England, captivating society with her portraits, mythological scenes, and decorative compositions. She knew... czytaj dalej

Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organi
Hilbeck Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Many international forums have identified the need for comprehensive, scientific methods for the pre-release testing and post-release monitoring of transgenic plants to ensure their environmental safety and... czytaj dalej

Truth will Set You Free
A. Miller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

More than 20 years ago, a little known Swiss psychoanalayst wrote a book that changed the way many people viewed themselves and their world. In simple but powerful prose, the deeply moving "The Drama of... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of German Biography v 2
W. Killy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Dictionary of German Biography is now at last to be published in English. The Dictionary is unique, complete and comprehensive with biographies of 60,000 people from the German-speaking world. It covers... czytaj dalej

Design i Grafika Dzisiaj
Q. Newark Wydawnictwo: inne

Design i Grafika Dzisiaj prezentuje różne dziedziny grafiki użytkowej, analizuje je poprzez typografię, połączenie tekstu i obrazu, co jest jej sednem, oraz przez proces powielania wszelkich przejawów wzornictwa... czytaj dalej

Lord Edgware Dies
A. Christie Wydawnictwo: inne

The stunning actress Jane Wilkinson doesn't hide the fact that she is shopping around for a wealthier husband. So it's no surprise that when her current husband is murdered, she's the prime suspect. There's... czytaj dalej

Robo World the Story of Robot Designer
Cynthia Breazeal Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Cynthia Breazeal is a roboticist, a scientist who designs, builds, and experiments with robots. Armed with electronic gadgets, software programs, and her endless imagination, she creates lifelike machines that... czytaj dalej

IDA's Partnership For Poverty Reduction
C. Gwin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During its 40-year history, the International Development Association (IDA) has worked to improve global welfare by allocating resources to growth and poverty reduction programs. In 1990, a new framework for... czytaj dalej