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Cywilizacja amerykańska
David Mauk, John Oakland Wydawnictwo: inne

Od dawna jedną z największych światowych potęg są Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki. Jest to państwo niezwykłe, jedyne w swoim rodzaju, wzbudzające uzasadnione zainteresowanie i kontrowersje. Próby wyjaśnienia fenomenu... czytaj dalej

Essential America Narrative History vol. 2
J. Shi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Essential America is a fundamentals version of the Tindall/Shi narrative packaged in an eye-popping, four-color design. The oversized page and double-column layout make the text accessible and highlight... czytaj dalej

Phoenix from Ashes
D. Marston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In June 1942 the Indian Army suffered a major defeat at the hands of the Japanese Army and subsequently endured its longest retreat ever. The Japanese forces had proved more mobile in tactics and more motivated... czytaj dalej

Einstein on Race & Racism
F. Jerome Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nearly fifty years after his death, Albert Einstein remains one of America's foremost cultural icons. A thicket of materials, ranging from scholarly to popular, have been written, compiled, produced, and published... czytaj dalej

Gilgamesz i Psyche
Jadwiga Wais Wydawnictwo: Eneteia

Książka poświęcona pogłębionej refleksji humanistycznej nad człowiekiem, jego duszą, naturą i kulturą. Autorka sięga do dawnych mitów, baśni i literatury nowożytnej. Korzysta ze zdobyczy współczesnej psychoanalizy... czytaj dalej

Making of a Forefather Abraham in Islamic
S. Lowin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This comparative analysis examines the Islamic and Jewish exegetical narratives ["hadith/isas al-anbiya" and "midrash aggadah"] on the early life of the forefather Abraham. It reveals how... czytaj dalej

Inside Book Publishing
G. Clark Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This third edition has been updated to take into account the latest technological changes, career advice and information on business strategies. Clark describes the tasks involved in and the skills required... czytaj dalej

Asia Unplugged Wireless & Mobile Media Boom in the Asia-Paci
Rao Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This detailed and analytical handbook is a major source of reference for those with an interest in the wireless explosion in the Asia-Pacific region. It includes thematic papers on WiFi/WLL, wireless content... czytaj dalej

Mortuary Landscapes of North Africa
D. Stone Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cemetery and landscape studies have been hallmarks of North African archaeology for more than one hundred years. "Mortuary Landscapes of North Africa" is the first book to combine these two fields... czytaj dalej

Capital Markets & Company Law
E. Wymeersch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the specially adapted and updated versions of the papers given at the Siena Conference of March 2000, the contributors attempt to investigate the relationship between company law, securities markets and... czytaj dalej