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Szansa i zagrożenie
Geremek Bronisław Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Nasze wejście do Unii oznacza rzeczywiście zarówno szanse, jak i zagrożenia. Od nas samych bedzie zależało, jak jedne i drugie się zrealizują. Z prof. Geremkiem rozmawia Dorota Maciejewska... czytaj dalej

Venice Reconsidered
J. Martin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work offers a portrait of Venice from the establishment of the Republic at the end of the 13th century to its fall to Napoleon in 1797. In contrast to earlier efforts to categorize Venice's politics as... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia Of Government & Politics v 1
M. Hawkesworth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

* Provides a balanced, comprehensive account of contemporary trends in world, regional and nation-state government and politics * Captures the global changes, both theoretical and factual, of the past three... czytaj dalej

Learning the Law
Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Useful for the undergraduate law student in the common law world, this title provides an introduction to the methods and skills of the law. It explains the many skills students need to study effectively for... czytaj dalej

Experimental Analysis of Behavior v 1
I. Iversen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume is dedicated to the late B.F. Skinner as a tribute to his pioneering work on the experimental analysis of behaviour. This science that he initiated studies the behaviour of individual organisms... czytaj dalej

Practical Program Evaluations
Emison Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Chapter 1. Program Evaluations that Matter The Myth of Ceteris ParibusPracticing Program Evaluation in a Complex WorldWhy Should You Read This Book?The Paradox of Applied Program EvaluationThe Core Principles... czytaj dalej

Zaorski-Sikora Łukasz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

W książce omówione najważniejsze zagadnienia rozważane na gruncie etyki, moralność, sprawiedliwość i równość.... czytaj dalej

European Union as a Global Actor
Bretheron Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book examines the emergence, role and future of the EU as an actor in world politics. It looks at the core areas of European foreign policy: economy; trade; the environment; development; common foreign... czytaj dalej

Satellite Newsgathering
Higgins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Satellite Newsgathering, 2e"It is a wonderful source of information and has the merit of going straight to the subject, being technically precise although very easy to understand." -European Broadcasting Union ... czytaj dalej

Social Psychology
W. Stainton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This introductory social psychology textbook is unique. It acknowledges the two very different approaches being taken to social psychology ż experimental and critical ż and presents them together in a single... czytaj dalej