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Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry provides the chemical community with authoritative and critical assessments of the many aspects of physical organic chemistry. The field is a fast developing one, with... czytaj dalej
For junior/senior-level and first-year graduate students.This text provides students with the necessary foundation for understanding both design and manufacturing, via the selection of appropriate topics and... czytaj dalej
Understanding the play between heredity and environment, and relating it to disease causation, is the task of ecogenetics. Gene-Environment Interactions: Fundamentals of Ecogenetics presents the first comprehensive... czytaj dalej
The difficult task of boundary retracement begins with three substantial steps: recovering land records, determining the significance of those records, and applying the findings to conditions on the ground... czytaj dalej
This book is comprised of two papers written by Robert Goddard for the Smithsonian Institution: "A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes" and "Liquid Propellant Rocket Development." Two of... czytaj dalej
This text provides an understanding of the relationship between structure, processing, and properties of materials. By selecting the appropriate topics from this wealth of material, instructors can emphasize... czytaj dalej
This edition has been revised throughout, especially in the areas of binary data to deal with relative risk, absolute risk and the evidence-based criteria of numbers need to treat. Each chapter now has a section... czytaj dalej
The 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS) washeld in Sorrento (Napoli), Italy, from September 14 to 18, 2003. Thisimportant biennial event followed previous successful meetings held... czytaj dalej
D Soyini Madison and Judith Hamera Introduction: Performance Studies at the Intersections / PART ONE: PERFORMANCE AND THEORY / Della Pollock Introduction: Performance Trouble / Jose Esteban Munoz Stages / Rebecca... czytaj dalej
This text is the first comprehensive treatment of structural decompositions of various types of linear systems, including autonomous, unforced or unsensed, strictly proper, non-strictly proper, and descriptor... czytaj dalej