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John von Neumann and Marshall Stone were two giants of Twentieth Century mathematics. In honor of the 100th anniversary of their births, a mathematical celebration was organized featuring developments in fields... czytaj dalej
This collection of essays - written by experienced practitioners - seeks to define, or at least report on, the current position of Shakespeare in schools, colleges and other educational environments. Its primary... czytaj dalej
This book is a comprehensive reference work on our current knowledge of the biotechnology of all the major temperate, sub-tropical and tropical fruit and nut crops of the world. It is in part a new edition... czytaj dalej
The last 20 years of the 20th century have seen a change in the perception of solid state chemistry, in particular the scientific significance of understanding the relationship between chemical structure and... czytaj dalej
This volume includes the first 14 chapters of the monograph "DNA Replication in Eukaryotic Cells", and provides a broad account of the basic principles of DNA replication and related functions such... czytaj dalej
Provides an authoritative source on recent research in the study of prions, which are implicated in spongiform encephalopthies such as kuru and bovine encephalopathy. Early chapters provide an introduction... czytaj dalej
Teaching Children 3 - 11 is a book for those contemplating a career in primary teaching, those about to embark on initial teacher education and those who are simply interested in the business of teaching... czytaj dalej
Each year, thousands of people all over the world take one of the hundreds of available short pre-service courses that lead to the award of a certificate in English Language Teaching (ELT) or Teaching English... czytaj dalej
Doing statistics for the first time? "Don't panic!" says Professor Fred Coolidge. In Statistics: A Gentle Introduction, Second Edition, he shows how statistics needn't be difficult or dull. Dr.... czytaj dalej
S. Donald Stookey tells of his pioneering discoveries and accomplishments over a life-long career at Corning Glass Works. His discoveries and inventions have left their mark in homes around the world, and have... czytaj dalej