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As technology progresses, new systems emerge to assist educators in preparing and managing courses. Audience response systems (ARS) are now used to facilitate greater interaction with participants engaged in... czytaj dalej
Utilities must decide whether to modify their existing treatment practices to achieve compliance with the D/DBP regulations. A regulatory impact analysis predicted that up to 70% of large surface-water systems... czytaj dalej
Książka jest poświęcona podstawowej problematyce inżynierii bezpieczeństwa technicznego. Na wstępie podano zwięzłą informację o inżynierii bezpieczeństwa i jej podziale na inżynierię bezpieczeństwa technicznego... czytaj dalej
"Ship Construction" is a comprehensive text for students of naval architecture, ship building and construction, and for professional Naval Architects and Marine Engineers as a refresher on the latest... czytaj dalej
Nanoparticle technology, which handles the preparation, processing, application and characterisation of nanoparticles, is a new and revolutionary technology. It becomes the core of nanotechnology as an extension... czytaj dalej
Soy-based foods represent a growing sector in today's food industry markets. They tend to be low in fat and high in protein and in overall nutritional quality. Soy protein offers a broad spectrum of functionality... czytaj dalej
Stringent industrial requirements of sophisticated performances and of circumstantial control for micro-devices or nanotechnology manufactures, and other types of machinery at multiple scales, can be satisfied... czytaj dalej
Earthquakes affecting urban areas can lead to catastrophic situations and hazard mitigation requires preparatory measures at all levels. Structural assessment is the diagnosis of the seismic health of buildings... czytaj dalej
The Second Edition of Doing Research with Children is a welcome development of this key textbook for a growing market. The book continues to provide a comprehensive and practical introduction to undertaking... czytaj dalej
Rhetorical Grammarencourages writers to recognize and use the grammatical and stylistic choices available to them and to understand the rhetorical effects those choices can have on their readers. Rhetorical... czytaj dalej