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Quantum Dots and Nanowires provides coverage on various emerging aspects of quantum dots and nanowires. This book covers recent advances in physical and chemical synthetic approaches, processing and fabrication... czytaj dalej
"Ship Construction" is a comprehensive text for students of naval architecture, ship building and construction, and for professional Naval Architects and Marine Engineers as a refresher on the latest... czytaj dalej
"Advances in Geosciences" is the result of a concerted effort in bringing the latest results and planning activities related to earth and space science in Asia and the international arena. The volume... czytaj dalej
Collects forty-four key segments from the late paleontologist and evolutionary biologist's books, papers, and essays, in a collection that includes an assortment of previously unpublished articles and speeches. ... czytaj dalej
Stringent industrial requirements of sophisticated performances and of circumstantial control for micro-devices or nanotechnology manufactures, and other types of machinery at multiple scales, can be satisfied... czytaj dalej
For courses in Statics and Strength of Materials. Known for its wide range of topics and problems, Statics Strength of Materials, Sixth Edition discusses statics and strength of materials using a clear, straightforward... czytaj dalej
The aim of State of the Universe 2007 (and subsequent volumes issued annually) is to provide an annual astronomy review suitable for the popular science level reader to be published every year in September... czytaj dalej
The chemistry of carbon nanomaterials and hydrogen materials science will play an important role in hastening the conversion to the Hydrogen Energy System. In this connection, the research and application of... czytaj dalej
The colorful previous editions of the "Geological Time Table" have been immensely popular with scientists, professors, and students alike. The new and revised sixth edition provides practicing geologists... czytaj dalej
Used by over half a million students, the best-selling Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children offers the next generation of physical education teachers the best guide for step-by-step techniques... czytaj dalej