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This is the definitive guide to surviving and succeeding in teaching. It covers all the things that trainees are not told at university, but desperately need to know once they find themselves teaching full-time... czytaj dalej
Extracted from laboratory manuals published by Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, this guide contains reference data and information on a variety of laboratory techniques. ... czytaj dalej
Three CD-ROM set, in jewel case, includes morethan 72 hours of animations, rare photos,video interviews, interactive problems, andbiographies. Disc 1 contains classical genetics,disc 2 contains molecules of... czytaj dalej
Chemoinformatics: Theory, Practice and Products covers theory, commercially available packages and applications of Chemoinformatics. Chemoinformatics is broadly defined as the use of information technology... czytaj dalej
Introduced by Crafoord Prize winner Carl Woese, this volume combines reviews of the major developments in archaeal research over the past 10-15 years with more specialized articles dealing with important recent... czytaj dalej
Bridging the gap between the theory of facilities management and its implementation, this book raises issues which all practitioners should consider before embarking on a particular plan. It shows the link... czytaj dalej
Engage and grow young minds with strategies for play-based curriculum! Early childhood educators face a perpetual challenge: How do you develop children's early academic skills in stimulating, developmentally... czytaj dalej
Formulas, they seem to be the bane of every beginning mathematics student who has yet to realize that formulas are about structure and relationship-and not about memorization. Granted, formulas have to be memorized;... czytaj dalej
This is an extensively revised and updated new edition of the best-selling Mobile Antenna Systems Handbook. Comprehensive, authoritative and practical, it provides the information you need to understand the... czytaj dalej
In today#8217;s telecommunications services industry, rapidly changing technologies and a decline in growth are creating intense competition where the customers#8217; quest for value is of paramount importance... czytaj dalej