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New technologies are dramatically changing early childhood education in the twenty-first century, as well as the of face childhood itself. Access to new technologies - in the Western world at least-provide... czytaj dalej
Looking closely at the recent reform efforts in San Diego, this book explores the full range of critical issues pertaining to urban school reform. Drawing on the systemic school reform initiative that was launched... czytaj dalej
Resource recovery and recycling from millions of tons of wastes produced from industrial activities is a continuing challenge for environmental engineers and researchers. Demand for conservation of resources... czytaj dalej
Looking at the early years of a child's life, "Autistic Spectrum Disorders in the Early Years" provides information on the services that are available for those from birth to five years, and addresses... czytaj dalej
"The Gas Service Technology" series is a one stop resource for up-to-date information on all aspects of installation and servicing of domestic and industrial gas equipment. This set offers all three... czytaj dalej
Blending algebra, analysis, and topology, the study of compact Lie groups is one of the most beautiful areas of mathematics and a key stepping stone to the theory of general Lie groups. Assuming no prior knowledge... czytaj dalej
"From Zero to Infinity" is a combination of number lore, number history, and sparkling descriptions of the simply stated, but exceedingly difficult problems posed by the most ordinary numbers that... czytaj dalej
Książka jest naukową rozprawą dotyczącą fenomenu aforyzmu, jego konstrukcji i obrazu świata, jaki proponuje.... czytaj dalej
The new edition of this successful monograph has been both updated and broadened. Since the previous (second) edition was published in 2000, the structures of the bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes have been... czytaj dalej
Część A dotyczy: teorii zbiorów i logiki matematycznej, kombinatoryki, liczb naturalnych, całkowitych, wymiernych i rzeczywistych, odwzorowań, algebry i geometrii. Część B dotyczy: rachunku różniczkowego, całkowego... czytaj dalej