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Complete annotation of 802.16 specification
WiMAX Quality of Service (QoS)
WiMAX security
WiMAX and Wi-Fi
WiMAX and VoIP...
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This interactive, easy-to-use general microbiology CD-ROM helps students actively explore and understand microbial structure and function through audio, video, animations, illustrations, and text. The CD is... czytaj dalej
The Dictionary of Environmental Microbiology not only defines terms used in environmental microbiology but also includes terms associated with molecular biology, historical figures in the field, and microorganisms... czytaj dalej
The book discusses the concept of sustanable development specifically with regard to water resources management and environmental challenges therein. Sustainable development is studied from the perspective... czytaj dalej
R A Fisher's classic The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection was first published by the Oxford University Press in 1930. It was the first attempt to assess and explain Darwin's evolutionary theories in terms... czytaj dalej
This monograph provides the most recent and up-to-date developments on fractional differential and fractional integro-differential equations involving many different potentially useful operators of fractional... czytaj dalej
"Radioactivity: Introduction and Early History" provides an introduction to radioactivity from natural and artificial sources on earth and radiation of cosmic origins. This book answers many questions... czytaj dalej
The advent of complex intelligent structures and low-voltage electronic installations within buildings requires increasingly sophisticated lightning protections techniques. As a multimedia book, Understanding... czytaj dalej
Over the past four decades computational methods in applied mechanics have developed into valuable tools that are widely used across both industry and academia. The applications are numerous: aerospace structures... czytaj dalej
Since the first edition of the Handbook of Microwave and Optical Components was published more than a decade ago, numerous changes have taken place in the microwave and optical arena -- mainly due to rapid... czytaj dalej