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Write Dance is an innovative and exciting programme, widely used across Europe as a way of introducing handwriting, using music, movement and exercise. It has been found especially helpful for children with... czytaj dalej
Written for students of aeronautical engineering and based on a range of detailed aircraft design projects, this wide-ranging book draws together the elements of aircraft design and will support any aircraft... czytaj dalej
This important book will make an excellent addition to anyone involved in the drying of ceramic materials. In order to accommodate readers with a wide range of interest and abilities, most chapters are divided... czytaj dalej
'The Smithsonian Atlas of the Amazon provides the first comprehensive view of this massive river system, revealing the rainforest as never seen before with 150 color maps and almost 300 stunning photographs... czytaj dalej
Just over two thousand years ago, Julius Caesar set into motion events that would culminate in the conquest of the tribes of Gaul. It is to the coins of one of these tribes that this book addresses itself.... czytaj dalej
At present, quantitative ecological risk assessment is widely used in different contexts, however very often without an understanding of the natural mechanisms that drive the processes of environmental and... czytaj dalej
Mouse in Biomed Research, 2e, 4 Volume Set is dedicated to the understanding of the mouse and its role in scientific research. This valuable compendium serves as a standard reference source of information for... czytaj dalej
Ta książeczka pomoże ci zdecydować się na przeżycie niezwykłej przygody współistnienia z tym małym drapieżcą. Jeśli chcesz zaskarbić sobie względy tego niezależnego i samowystarczalnego stworzenia, musisz postarać... czytaj dalej
This concise book is for chemists, material scientists, and physicists who deal with description of crystalline matter and the determination of its structure, and would like to gain more understanding of the... czytaj dalej
This edited collection of chapters, authored by leading experts, provides a complete and essentially self-contained construction of 3-fold and 4-fold klt flips. A large part of the text is a digest of Shokurov's... czytaj dalej