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Handbook of ATPases Biochemistry Cell Biology
M. Futai Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the first comprehensive overview of this important class of enzymes, this two-volume handbook summarizes recent knowledge about the molecular mechanism of ATPases, relating this information to the physiology... czytaj dalej

Better Looking Better Living Better Loving
Emsley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Welcome to a tour of some of the recent advances in chemistry, taking in the cosmetic factory, the pharmacy, the grooming salon, the diet clinic, the power plant, the domestic cleaning company, and the art... czytaj dalej

Mathematics of 19th Century
A. Kolmogorov Wydawnictwo: inne

New Editional New in Paperback! This is the second revised edition of the first volume of the outstanding collection of historical studies of mathematics in the nineteenth century compiled in three volumes... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Air Pollution
R. Trivedy Wydawnictwo: brak danych

All pollution is taught at length in environmental science, engineering, life sciences and social science courses. The syllabi of these courses are as vast and varied as the dimensions of the global problem... czytaj dalej

Elementary Electronic Structure
Walter Harrison Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'This is a revised edition of the 1999 text on the electronic structure and properties of solids, similar in spirit to the well-known 1980 text Electronic Structure and the Properties of Solids. The revisions... czytaj dalej

Lyn Overall Wydawnictwo: inne

Assessment is an area that students find notoriously difficult to put into practice, particularly as models of good practice have not always been established in their placement schools. What's more, most students... czytaj dalej

Spatial Disorientation in Aviation
Previc Wydawnictwo: inne

Previc, a human factors specialist who formerly led the Air Force's Spatial Disorientation Countermeasures Task Group, and Ercoline (disorientation countermeasures, the Air Force's School of Aerospace Medicine)... czytaj dalej

Biocomputing 2004 Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium
Altman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2004) is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research on the theory and application of computational methods... czytaj dalej

Animal Diversity
Hickman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A top choice among students and instructors alike, Animal Diversity continues to earn the appreciation of both science majors and non-majors alike. The book uses the theme of evolution to develop a broad-scale... czytaj dalej

Biotechnology Demystified
Wing Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Przewodnik ten zawiera wyjaśnienia elementarnych pojęć oraz wszystkich głównych działów biotechnologii. Książka porusza takie tematy, jak: podstawy biologii molekularnej i komórkowej, kod DNA, klonowanie rozrodcze... czytaj dalej