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Long-Memory Time Series
W. Palma Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the last decades long-memory processes have evolved as a vital and important part of time series analysis. This book attempts to give an overview of the theory and methods developed to deal with long-range... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Die Design
F. Suchy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This classic handbook provides the major formulas, calculations, cost estimating techniques, and safety procedures needed for specific die operations and performance evaluations. Dies are the most commonly... czytaj dalej

M. MacLachlan Wydawnictwo: inne

Biotechnology and the benefits it can offer are playing an increasingly important role in all areas of clinical rehabilitation. However it is still often regarded with suspicion and mistrust by many clinicians... czytaj dalej

EU Climate Change Policy
M. Peeters Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book explores the current policy measures adopted by the EU in order to realize its Kyoto Protocol commitment and to prepare for further emission reductions after 2012. EU Climate Change Policy focuses... czytaj dalej

Aerosol Sampling
Vincent Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides a comprehensive account of the important field of aerosol sampling as it is applied to the measurement of aerosols that are ubiquitous in occupational and living environments, both indoor... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Analytical Instruments
Khandpur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This resource covers the working principles and latest advances in analytical instruments. You'll learn how to select and apply the correct instrument for analytical work and perform research yielding the most... czytaj dalej

Electricity Magnetism & Light
Saslow Wydawnictwo: inne

Electricity, Magnetism, and Light is an engaging introductory treatment of electromagnetism and optics for second semester physics and engineering majors. Saslow focuses on the conceptual understanding of topics... czytaj dalej

SAGE Handbook of Performance Studies
D. Madison Wydawnictwo: angielskie

D Soyini Madison and Judith Hamera Introduction: Performance Studies at the Intersections / PART ONE: PERFORMANCE AND THEORY / Della Pollock Introduction: Performance Trouble / Jose Esteban Munoz Stages / Rebecca... czytaj dalej

Verification of Computer Codes in Computational Science & En
P. Knupp Wydawnictwo: inne

Clearly demonstrates the value of Order Verification via the Manufactured Solution Procedure and offers a detailed guide to its implementationPresents examples involving codes that solve Berger's and the Navier-stokes... czytaj dalej