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The aim of this Handbook is to present a global overview of developments in education and policy change during the last decade. It has the objective of providing both a strategic education policy statement... czytaj dalej
Multiphase thermal systems (involving more than one phase or one component) have numerous applications in aerospace, heat-exchanger, transport of contaminants in environmental systems, and energy transport... czytaj dalej
Handbook of Seed Science end Technology is an extensive reference text that focuses on the underlying mechanisms of seed biology and the impact of powerful biotechnological approaches on world hunger, malnutrition... czytaj dalej
Bringing you up-to-date with the latest developments in MEMS technology, this major revision of the best-selling An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering offers you a current understanding... czytaj dalej
Currently, there is a clear gap between the issues of biosafety and its regulation on the one hand and the technological developments in genomics on the other. In plant biotechnology, research attention is... czytaj dalej
The 7 sections in this volume represent the proceedings of the three-day international conference 'Regional Pathways to Complexity' held in April 2000 at the University of Groningen. They bring togethre expert... czytaj dalej
Pierwsze na polskim rynku wydawniczym opracowanie prezentujące w sposób uporządkowany zagadnienia związane z wdrożeniem GIS do projektowania i zarządzania systemami dystrybucji wody i odprowadzania ścieków... czytaj dalej
Urban freight transport has become an essential issue in urban planning. There are many challenges and problems relating to increasing levels of traffic congestion, negative environmental impacts and energy... czytaj dalej
In recent years there has been increasingly vigorous debate about the nature and purpose of special education, and what might be considered the appropriate responses to pupils who experience difficulties in... czytaj dalej