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Inverse Stochastic Modeling of Flow Porous Media
M. Le Ravalec-Dupin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In order to understand fluid flows in underground porousformations, engineers need to produce models, in the form of grid systems populated with physical properties such aspermeability and porosity.This procedure... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of the Elements
Enghag Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Famous for its history of numerous element discoverers, Sweden is the origin of this comprehensive encyclopedia of the elements. It provides both an important database for professionals as well as detailed... czytaj dalej

Continuun Scale Simulation of Engineering Materials
Raabe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Computer simulations used to describe new microstructures approaching the atomic have become remarkably complex and varied in their approach. In the first section of this collection of articles for undergraduates... czytaj dalej

Natural Introduction to Probability Theory
R. Meester Wydawnictwo: inne

In this introduction to probability theory, we deviate from the route usually taken. We do not take the axioms of probability as our starting point, but re-discover these along the way. First, we discuss discrete... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Combinatorial Torsions
Vladimir Turaev Wydawnictwo: inne

This text is an introduction to combinatorial torsions of cellular spaces and manifolds with special emphasis on torsions of 3-dimensional manifolds. The necessary background for the reader includes the elementary... czytaj dalej

Agent-Based Approach for Coordinated Multi-Provider
M. Calisti Wydawnictwo: inne

Communication networks are very complex and interdependent systems requiring complicated management and control operations under strict resource and time constraints. A finite number of network components with... czytaj dalej

Improving Schools Through External Intervention
C. Chapman Wydawnictwo: inne

This book explores the extent to which external intervention has contributed to successful and sustainable school improvement. By drawing on international research and contemporary empirical evidence, Chris... czytaj dalej

Postgraduate Study in the UK
N. Foskett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Aimed at those thinking about, or already enrolled on, a postgraduate course in the UK who is less familiar with the unique character of the British HE system and unfamiliar with British culture in general. ... czytaj dalej

Armes Traditionnelles d'Afrique
T. Bastide Wydawnictwo: inne

The author presents here a survey of over 500 examples, in 6 categories, of African traditional weapons including knives, daggers, long and short, swords, lances and throwing weapons. The items, from various... czytaj dalej

Digital Communications
J. Proakis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Digital Communications is a classic book in the area that is designed to be used as a senior or graduate level text. The text is flexible and can easily be used in a one semester course or there is enough depth... czytaj dalej