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Jamaica TSK 4e
M. Read Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With jammin' parties and smooth sounds, sun-drenched beaches and tumbling waterfalls, Jamaica is an island of beauty and rhythm. Whether you want to get down to dancehall beats, explore the towering Blue Mountains... czytaj dalej

Melbourne City Guide 6e
S. Egger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The bestselling guide to Lonely Planet's home city. Includes insider tips on attractions, bars, restaurants and shopping from Lonely Planet's Melbourne based staff.... czytaj dalej

Slovenia TSK 3e
Steve Fallon,Neil Wilson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Raft its rivers, comb its castles, soak in its spas, ascend its Alps - whatever your passion and whatever the season, this indispensable guide is your key to unlocking this treasure-trove of a country.the only... czytaj dalej

Fiji TSK 6e
Pinheiro,Miller,Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Want to get beneath the surface in Fiji? We'll take you underwater to explore beautiful coral gardens, and behind the scenes to find out what makes the locals tick. Whether you're lazing on the beach at an... czytaj dalej

Sardinia TSK 1e
Simonis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With its hidden coves and spectacular beaches, dramatic hill-side temples and misty gorges, Sardinia is an island for escape and adventure. Explore every corner of this Mediterranean treasure with Lonely Planet's... czytaj dalej

Turkey TSK 10e
Verity Campbell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fully revised and updated with dedicated trekking chapter by local trekking specialist. Comprehensive and informative culture, history and environment chapters written by experts. ... czytaj dalej

England TSK 4e
D. Else Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Offers in-depth coverage of the English culinary scene. This book focuses on the regenerated English provincial cities that draw huge numbers of visitors. It includes sidebars offering titbits of information on England. ... czytaj dalej

Budapest City Guide 3e
S. Fallon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Buy all 3 and save! HUNGARIAN ESSENTIALS PACK Hungary + Budapest + Hungarian Phrasebook Two cities in one. Roam the lofty heights of the leafy Buda Hills, then get serious about architecture in urban Pest... czytaj dalej

Wales Illustrated History
H. Weisser Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thousands of people visit Wales each year and countless people all over the world are descendants, at least in part, from this small, beautiful part of the British Isles. Yet how many know the history that... czytaj dalej

Cycling Italy 1e
Gelber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A land of majestic alpine peaks, vast lakes and brilliant coasts, Italy is best seen on two wheels. Whether you're a novice or a hardened pro this guide belongs in your panniers. 103 days of Italy's best... czytaj dalej