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Thousands of people visit Wales each year and countless people all over the world are descendants, at least in part, from this small, beautiful part of the British Isles. Yet how many know the history that... czytaj dalej
Venture onto the backbone of North America, exploring the famous Glacier, Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Rocky Mountain National Parks. Discover hidden wonders, do the big-name hikes or scale a 14,000ft mountain... czytaj dalej
Buy all 3 and save! A TASTE OF MALAYSIA SINGAPORE Malaysia, Singapore Brunei + Best of Singapore + World Food Malaysia Singapore Malaysians and Singaporeans are food obsessed: broach the subject of food... czytaj dalej
Discover the best kept secret in South America. Colombia is safer then ever, affordable and still blissfully uncrowded - an independent traveler's dream. Laze on palm-fringed Caribbean beaches. Canoe slient... czytaj dalej
While the coast calls to sun seekers and clubbers, inland is a haven of traditional villages, medieval castles and impressive ancient sites. Connect with the real Cyprus with this definitive guide. Out... czytaj dalej
Offering an easy pronunciation guide, this title includes a comprehensive food section. It features a two-way 3500-word dictionary. ... czytaj dalej
With jammin' parties and smooth sounds, sun-drenched beaches and tumbling waterfalls, Jamaica is an island of beauty and rhythm. Whether you want to get down to dancehall beats, explore the towering Blue Mountains... czytaj dalej
Informed features and insightful listings guide travellers off the beaten path. Includes new music special section, highlights the country's fabled beaches, scuba diving and snorkeling. ... czytaj dalej
This work includes: special chapter dedicated to booming Brooklyn and the Outer Boroughs; expanded Arts, Shopping, Sleeping Eating coverage. It is the premiere guide for independent, do-it-yourself travel... czytaj dalej
This is the best-selling guide to India's relaxation and party capital. It includes new Itineraries, Food Drink and Culture chapters. It is more comprehensive than competition guides, covering destinations... czytaj dalej