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A guide to the most visited city in Eastern Europe, Prague. It features a food and drink chapter with detailed coverage of Czech beer and micro-breweries, and a chapter that lists the best places to stay. ... czytaj dalej
The wonders of Vanuatu and New Caledonia are combined in one book here for the first time. Laze on New Caledonia's beaches or trek through Vanuatu's jungles; climb high on active volcanoes or dive below to... czytaj dalej
From the cosmopolitan wonders of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague to windmills, tulips and boundless bike tracks, this indispensable guide will help you to experience all that the Netherlands has to offer... czytaj dalej
The most enjoyable and rewarding way to get to know a place is by meeting the local people. Vietnamese is a vibrant language and even a little knowledge will help visitors gain an understanding of Vietnamese... czytaj dalej
Buy all 3 and save! A TASTE OF GREECE Greece + Greek phrasebook + World Food Greece Let's get philosophical. As Socrates said, "Let him that would move the world first move himself." Move yourself... czytaj dalej
Includes a Cycling chapter, a popular way to see the country; insightful commentary on the contemporary challenges of a famously tolerant society facing various challenges; coverage of cultural and environmental... czytaj dalej
This work includes insider tips from an expert Slovenia author who's been covering the country for over a decade and speaks fluent Slovenian. A 'Great Outdoors' chapter includes vital info on a range of activities... czytaj dalej
This is the only Mongolian language guide available, with an extensive vocabulary, plenty of essential words and phrases, notes on pronunciation, culture and, for the more adventurous, grammar. make your journey... czytaj dalej
This guide features a range of accommodation options for any budget, from camping to five-star hotels. It has coverage of all major attractions, as well as tips for getting off the beaten track. Discover whale... czytaj dalej
With its hidden coves and spectacular beaches, dramatic hill-side temples and misty gorges, Sardinia is an island for escape and adventure. Explore every corner of this Mediterranean treasure with Lonely Planet's... czytaj dalej