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Europe on a Shoestring TSK 5e
S. Johnstone Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Covering 44 countries, this is a guide to Europe. Including Dedicated Language chapter with key phrases in 29 languages, it offers coverage on Montenegro. It also features a Responsible Travel page with advice... czytaj dalej

Zimbabwe TSK 4e
Chinula,Talbot Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Whether you're seeking sedate pursuits or adventure activities, Zimbabwe is a rich and diverse playground for travellers. From fascinating ruins to the adrenaline-pumping extreme sports of Victoria Falls, this... czytaj dalej

Great Britain TSK 6e
D. Else Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Surf-pounded cliffs and crystal-clear lochs, confident metropolises and ancient towns, dramatic wildernesses and remote island getaways -- with so much on offer, which Britain will you choose? Explore every... czytaj dalej

Jamaica TSK 4e
M. Read Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With jammin' parties and smooth sounds, sun-drenched beaches and tumbling waterfalls, Jamaica is an island of beauty and rhythm. Whether you want to get down to dancehall beats, explore the towering Blue Mountains... czytaj dalej

Best of Tallinn
R. Louis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Explore the narrow cobbled streets, 13th-century churches and looming fortress walls of Tallinn's medieval Old Town, then embrace its future in a stylish bar, contemporary gallery or up-to-the-minute boutique... czytaj dalej

Fiji TSK 6e
Pinheiro,Miller,Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Want to get beneath the surface in Fiji? We'll take you underwater to explore beautiful coral gardens, and behind the scenes to find out what makes the locals tick. Whether you're lazing on the beach at an... czytaj dalej

Sardinia TSK 1e
Simonis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With its hidden coves and spectacular beaches, dramatic hill-side temples and misty gorges, Sardinia is an island for escape and adventure. Explore every corner of this Mediterranean treasure with Lonely Planet's... czytaj dalej

Hiking in USA 1e
Marisa Gierlich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide to the best hikes in the Lower 48 states is a must for the experienced hiker and the first-timer alike. From coast to coast, across plains and mountain ranges, through unspoiled forests and canyons... czytaj dalej

Colombia TSK 4e
M. Kohn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discover the best kept secret in South America. Colombia is safer then ever, affordable and still blissfully uncrowded - an independent traveler's dream. Laze on palm-fringed Caribbean beaches. Canoe slient... czytaj dalej

Malta & Gozo TSK 3e
C. Bain Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In-depth history and culture information, and detailed chapters on art and food. ... czytaj dalej