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Buy all 3 and save! CENTRAL ASIA TRAVEL PACK Central Asia + Central Asia phrasebook + Travel Journal (Colour Cover) This new phrasebook is your key to travelling the famed Silk Road, with essential words... czytaj dalej
A guide to Croatia. It features an itineraries section that helps visitors tailor trips to their individual interests, from outdoor activities to beaches and islands; and includes a food and drink chapter,... czytaj dalej
This guide features a special section on volcanoes, plus the best-of outdoor activities such as swimming, surfing and hiking, as well as coverage of the Hilo and Kona coasts and where to lounge with the laid-back locals. ... czytaj dalej
Bardzo osobista, miejscami refleksyjna opowieść o wyprawie do grobu św. Jakuba, jednego z apostołów Chrystusa. Starodawny szlak tej wędrówki, określany mianem camino, cieszy się coraz większą... czytaj dalej
Istanbul to Cairo is a classic overland route offering an extraordinary range of travel experiences in six of the Middle East's most fascinating countries. With over 75 maps this brand new budget-travellers'... czytaj dalej
Fiercely independent but unquestionably Italian, secluded Sardinia is at last revealing its secrets to the rest of the world. The unspoilt, idyllic beaches and jewel-coloured waters are offset by rugged mountains... czytaj dalej
Kilkutygodniowe bycie pielgrzymem na Camino de Santiago rodzi poczucie odpowiedzialności wobec drugiego pątnika. Nie jest przy tym ważne, czy jest on wierzący czy nie. W tym sensie pielgrzymowanie jest również... czytaj dalej
In creating this brand new series, we have listened to travellers' needs and created a series that enables travellers to travel the way they want to. The features include: a City Diary that takes readers to... czytaj dalej
This is the top-selling guide to New Zealand on the market, and one of Lonely Planet's best sellers. It includes: a full-colour New Zealand Outdoors activities chapter and Maori Culture special section; and... czytaj dalej
Of all its virtues, the one indispensable aspect of Lonely Planet: Britain--and indeed the whole Lonely Planet Guide series--is the unprejudiced frankness of the opinions that may always be relied upon. Of... czytaj dalej