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Textbook of Diagnostic Ultrasonography 2 vols
S. Hagen-Ansert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Silver Anniversary Edition of this two-volume set!The Silver Anniversary Edition of this proven text keeps users on the cutting edge as the field of ultrasonography evolves. A comprehensive resource that instructors... czytaj dalej

Decision Making in Pain Management
Ramamuthy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Clear algorithms and concise accompanying explanations facilitate the evaluation and management of nearly 140 common pain management problems. The New Edition of this best-selling resource features a completely... czytaj dalej

Transcription Factors in the Nervous System
T. Thiel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This first book to cover neural development, neuronal survival and function on the genetic level outlines promising approaches for novel therapeutic strategies in fighting neurodegenerative disorders, such... czytaj dalej

Pathophysiology Evaluation & Management of Valvular Heart
J. Borer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by faculty members of the international symposium 'Valves in the Heart of the Big Apple: Evaluation and Management of Valvular Heart Diseases', this book is intended to complement and supplement the... czytaj dalej

Cardiovascular Gap Junctions
S. Dhein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In recent years, gap junction research in the cardiovascular system has considerably improved the understanding of cardiac function and the vasculature in health and disease. The present book focuses on the... czytaj dalej

Photodynamics Tumor Therapy
J. Moser Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The introductory section of this text provides a framework for standardizing results in biophysical terms. It is comprised of biophysical and biomedical definitions describing photosensitization and phototoxicity... czytaj dalej

Essentials of Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment
William Hay Wydawnictwo: angielskie

ż 600 common or important disorders or syndromesż Popular one-page Essentials formatż Each disorder includes the following: DiagnosisDifferential DiagnosisTreatmentPearlReferenceż Tabbed for quick referenceż... czytaj dalej

Pharmacokinetics Made Easy
Birkett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume features a collection of published articles that appeared in 'Australian Prescriber' on the subject of pharacokinetics. It aims to make the subject more accessible to its non-specialist audience... czytaj dalej

Lung Development Aging & Enviroment
R. Hardling Wydawnictwo: inne

This unique book provides a concise account, written by world authorities in their fields, of how the mammalian lung grows and matures before birth and how the lungs, and their ability to function well, can... czytaj dalej

Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
Ch Pusey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Glomerulonephritis is one of the most exciting areas in renal medicine. Appropriate immunosuppressive therapy can dramatically improve the prognosis in many cases, so that renal failure may be avoided. It is... czytaj dalej