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Review for Surgery
L. Greenfield Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This updated Third Edition provides a comprehensive review for those studying for board and recertificaion examinations. Keyed to the main textbook, Surgery: Scientific Principles Practice, Third Edition... czytaj dalej

Concise Text of Neuroscience
R. Kingsley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Although each chapter has been heavily revised, this edition of Concise Text of Neuroscience adheres to the goals of the first edition--providing practical, concise, and integrated information on neuroscience... czytaj dalej

Manual of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests
Fischbach Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In full color for the first time, this leading comprehensive reference covers a broad range of laboratory and diagnostic tests and studies, grouped according to specimen and function/test type (e.g. blood,... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Urology Diagnosis & Therapy
Siroky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This handbook is a practical, easily accessible guide to the diagnosis and treatment of urologic disorders. In an outline format that is ideal for rapid, on-the-spot reference, the text covers all medical and... czytaj dalej

Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics
Samuels Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The thoroughly revised, updated Seventh Edition of this best-selling SpiralŽ Manual is a practical, accessible guide to the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic disorders. Completely reorganised for faster... czytaj dalej

Burkharts View of the Shoulder
Burkhart Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From a world-famous pioneer in arthroscopic shoulder surgery comes the first step-by-step "how-to" guide to advanced techniques in shoulder arthroscopy. Dr. Burkhart describes the innovative techniques... czytaj dalej

C. Torres Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Torres (art history, Florida International U., Miami) and Repke (a California organic chemist) present an interdisciplinary examination of a central but under-studied psychoactive plant in pre-Columbian Andean... czytaj dalej

Cholecystokinin & Its Antagonists in Pain Management
G. McCleane Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Clinical work with bisexual clients has conceptually shifted beyond the exclusive emphasis on either straight or lesbian and gay issues. There are still, however, too few psychotherapists who provide affirmative... czytaj dalej

Human Anatomy & Physiology
S. Kravits Wydawnictwo: inne

Elaine Marieb's clearly written and comprehensive lab manuals guide students through well-planned lab activities and feature illustrations and full-color photographs that help students to better understand... czytaj dalej

Heart Disease 6e
E. Braunwald,Douglas Zipes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Najnowsze wydanie Braunwald's Heart Disease zawiera 30 całkowicie nowych rozdziałów a informacje wcześniej publikowane zostały uzupełnione i uaktualnione. Zespół redakcyjny składający się z 98 światowej sławy... czytaj dalej