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29 MARCA 2005
Love Monster tom 8
Riko Miyagi Wydawnictwo: inne

After failing the entrance exams to her school of choice, Hiyoko Osora gets an acceptance letter from SM Academy. But she didn’t even apply or take its exam! When she arrives, there’s something... czytaj dalej

28 MARCA 2005
Brother x Brother tom 1
Kisaragi Hirotaka Wydawnictwo: inne

Po śmierci ojca Souichirou wraca do domu. Nie było go tam przez 8 lat. Odkrywa, że dwójka jego braci - najstarszy Masato oraz młodszy Kaname, nadal tam mieszka. Bracia postanawiają mieszkać we trójkę.... czytaj dalej

25 MARCA 2005
Amatsuki tom 1
Shinobu Takayama Wydawnictwo: inne

Tokidoki jest studentem, który zwalił egzamin z historii. Za karę wybiera się do nowoczesnego muzeum epoki Edo. dzięki wysoce zaawansowanej technologii zwiedzający może poczuć się tak, jakby sam żył w tak odległych... czytaj dalej

24 MARCA 2005
xxxHolic tom 8
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

Kimihiro Watanuki’s after-school job working for the mysterious witch Yûko Ishikawa has taken a dangerous turn. A recent assignment cost Kimihiro his right eye to a spider with a grudge. Now the... czytaj dalej

10 MARCA 2005
Kizuna tom 10
Kazuma Kodaka Wydawnictwo: inne

The focus shifts to Masa, the popular Yakuza boss who must choose between an arranged marriage to another boss' daughter and his feelings for Kai. Will Masa deny his feelings in order to strengthen the group's... czytaj dalej

08 MARCA 2005
Trigun Maximum tom 4
Yasuhiro Nightow Wydawnictwo: inne

Vash and Wolfwood go up against Hoppered the Gauntlet, with his strange hockey mask and shield body and Midvalley the Hornfreak whose saxophone will blow your mind! And what's worse is these two killers won't... czytaj dalej

Akumetsu tom 12
Yoshiaki Tabata, Yuuki Yugo Wydawnictwo: inne

In a near-future Japan where politicians and businessmen pamper and lavish themselves amidst growing public unrest, while excessive corruption and speculation lead the country to a massive economic downfall... czytaj dalej

Threads of Time tom 4
Mi Young Noh Wydawnictwo: inne

All Moon Bin Kim ever wanted in life was a caring mother he could love. Finally, in his 13th-century existence, his dream is fulfilled -- but this outsider from the 20th-century should be careful what he wishes... czytaj dalej

04 MARCA 2005
D.Gray-man tom 3
Katsura Hoshino Wydawnictwo: inne

Allen and Lenalee are sent on a mission to a city where time has stood still, a place where the townsfolk forget that every day is the same day repeating itself. Strangely enough, a woman named Miranda is the... czytaj dalej

Gintama tom 6
Hideaki Sorachi Wydawnictwo: inne

The samurai didn't stand a chance. First, the aliens invaded Japan. Next, they took all the jobs. And then they confiscated everyone's swords. So what does a hotheaded former samurai like Sakata "Gin" Gintoki... czytaj dalej