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Six minors (16 or 17 years) answering to the nicknames of Joe, Mario, Suppon, Baremoto, Heitai and Kyabetsu are put into a reformatory for offences such as aggravated assault, swindle, flight, etc. Their stay... czytaj dalej
While investigating the mystery of the black kakugane, Kazuki, Tokiko and Gouta and unexpectedly meet up with Alexandria and Victoria, the wife and daughter of the traitorous Victor. Alexandria and Victoria... czytaj dalej
One day, Haruhi, a scholarship student at exclusive Ouran High School, breaks an $80,000 vase that belongs to the "Host Club," a mysterious campus group consisting of six super-rich (and gorgeous) guys. To... czytaj dalej
To był dla Ichigo prawdziwy szok! Gdy bardzo się czymś podekscytuje, zmienia się w najprawdziwszego kota! W dodatku dziwne uczucie, jakie żywi zarówno do Aoyamy, jak i do Shirogane, kwitnie z piorunującą... czytaj dalej
Gadatliwa Eimi Yamashita przekonała rodziców, że możne żyć na własną rękę i przeprowadza się do żeńskiej bursy. Spodziewa się romantycznych przygód, które mogą tam na nią czekać. Eimi jako nowa musi przejść... czytaj dalej
After being bullied at elementary school, Mochida 'Maki' Masaki learns to use his own body to enchant and trap the most powerful person at school to protect him from potential bullies. However, a chance train... czytaj dalej
After a long absence, the young shaman Samizo Kohei returns from the dead with a prophecy of the apocalypse. Or part of him returns, at least - most of his body has been replaced with the transplanted body... czytaj dalej
In preparation for the City Tournament, Seishun Academy's team captain Kunimitsu Tezuka decides to hold intra-squad games. It's a routine way for the team players to get some much-needed practice matches, but... czytaj dalej
A mysterious creature has fallen from the sky and landed right at young Yuina's feet! Branded as the master of this new angelic being, Yuina is forced into an otherworldly pact, one that will take her beyond... czytaj dalej
Kinukawa was a second class pianist and he occasionally played in small clubs. He had a fairly loyal audience, a man who always listened to his piano and after a while, he was attracted by the man's admiration... czytaj dalej