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31 SIERPNIA 2001
Glory Age tom 3
Yeri Na Wydawnictwo: inne

From the outset, the plot seems to be the typical story of a half-angel, half-human boy with incredible powers (sealed in this case until his human form dies), but in the great Na Yeri style, intrigue and mysteries... czytaj dalej

17 SIERPNIA 2001
Fruits Basket tom 7
Natsuki Takaya Wydawnictwo: inne

A family with an ancient curse... And the girl who will change their lives forever... Tohru and company have been having a lot more fun ever since Kisa came to visit. Now it's time for Tohru to meet another... czytaj dalej

08 SIERPNIA 2001
Beck tom 8
Harold Sakuishi Wydawnictwo: inne

As the Greatful Sound concert is slowly creeping up, Ryusuke and Lucille have not only caught the attention of the music-loving public - they are also on the radar of hip-hop mogul Leon Sykes, the man who fell... czytaj dalej

06 SIERPNIA 2001
Imadoki tom 5
Yuu Watase Wydawnictwo: inne

For Tanpopo Yamazaki, life at the elitist Meiô Academy seems way out of her league. The daughters of wealthy families snub her; other students make light of the fact that she actually tested into Meiô instead... czytaj dalej

03 SIERPNIA 2001
Black Cat. Vol.4.
Kentaro Yabuki Wydawnictwo: inne

Volume 4: One-Day Darling (ichinichi dārin) Chapters: 29: "Sven's Graveyard Visit (Part One)" 30: "Sven's Graveyard Visit (Part Two)" 31: "One-Day Darling" 32: "Lugart Won" 33: "Train vs. Won" 34: "The... czytaj dalej

02 SIERPNIA 2001
Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru tom 5
Yasushi Baba Wydawnictwo: inne

Kohinata Minoru is a college student at a college that is popular for its sports rather than academic orientation. Although he starts out as a gymnast alongside his friend, Nana, Minoru is bullied by the higher... czytaj dalej

01 SIERPNIA 2001
Mozart wa Komoriuta wo Utawanai tom 1
Mori Masahiro, Arisugawa Rui Wydawnictwo: inne

Carl Czerny, Franz Peter Schubert i Ludvig van Beethoven. Tym razem 3 wielkich kompozytorów pojawi się w niespodziewanych okolicznościach, a dokładniej, by zbadać sekret 'Kołysanki' Mozarta, która według twierdzeń... czytaj dalej

Anne Freaks #2
Yua Kotegawa Wydawnictwo: inne Tom 2 cyklu: Anne Freaks

Cool and cruel beautiful girl killing her father! "Anna," "Yuri," and "Mitsuba," whose communal life has started in a strange way, are mysterious adults, such as female detectives, yakuza, and pastors, who are chasing you.... czytaj dalej

19 LIPCA 2001
Addicted to Curry tom 1
Kazuki Funatsu Wydawnictwo: inne

Addicted to Curry begins with a young schoolgirl named Sonezaki Yui. One day she encounters what looks like a half dead man in the middle of the road. Not knowing what to do she throws some food at him (so... czytaj dalej

11 LIPCA 2001
Tu detektyw Jeż t 6
Hirokane Kenshi Wydawnictwo: Waneko Tom 6 cyklu: Tu detektyw Jeż

Bohaterami są członkowie małej agencji detektywistycznej, którzy przyjmując coraz to nowe sprawy spotykają się z różnymi życiowymi problemami swoich klientów.... czytaj dalej