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19 WRZEŚNIA 2006
Fruits Basket tom 21
Natsuki Takaya Wydawnictwo: inne

A family with an ancient curse... And the girl who will change their lives forever... Kagura and Kazuma hotly discuss Tohru liking Kyo. With Kagura's forceful encouragement, will Tohru be able to muster... czytaj dalej

13 WRZEŚNIA 2006
xxxHolic tom 16
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

The witch Yuko is gone, vanished and forgotten by the world with the exception of a small handful of people. But Kimihiro is determined to keep the wish-granting shop going, even if the shop's arcane rules... czytaj dalej

10 WRZEŚNIA 2006
Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si-Do tom 1
Gui Yeoni, Lee Kyung Ha Wydawnictwo: inne

Korean manhwa based on a novel. Focuses on the heroine having reported a hit and run case which disrupts the family of one of the other main characters, Hui Won. In which he constantly abuses her whilst he... czytaj dalej

09 WRZEŚNIA 2006
Hard Rock
Akane Abe Wydawnictwo: inne

Sex, narkotyki i rock’n’roll? Nie w przypadku tego rockowego zespołu. Dla Shouriego, Nozomu, Ai i Yumejiego, bardziej trafne jest raczej powiedzenie, że ich życie jest pełne niepewności i niespodziewanych... czytaj dalej

Blue contract
Reibun Ike Wydawnictwo: inne

Love starts with a burglary when art owner, Andou, has a young artist's, Kagawa Setsuyou's, masterpiece stolen from under his wing. However, he finds himself having to deal with Setsuyou's artistic whims (laugh)... czytaj dalej

05 WRZEŚNIA 2006
Zombie powder vol.1
Kubo Tite Wydawnictwo: inne Tom 1 cyklu: Zombie Powder

Somewhere in the desert lies the world's greatest treasure: the 12 Rings of the Dead, the only source of the mysterious substance called Zombie Powder, which can raise the dead and grant eternal life. Into... czytaj dalej

Ouran High School Host Club tom 7
Bisco Hatori Wydawnictwo: inne

Hunny's little brother, Chika, pays a visit to the Host Club--and immediately starts attacking Hunny, using all his martial-arts prowess against his older brother! Chika seems to be the absolute opposite of... czytaj dalej

The Prince of Tennis tom 15
Takeshi Konomi Wydawnictwo: inne

At the Kanto Tournament, the brillant play of Hyotei Academy's Gakuto and Yushi's drives Seishun's Momo and Eiji to assume the Australian formation, a technique they masterfully pulled off in a previous match... czytaj dalej

04 WRZEŚNIA 2006
Skorpion. Święta dolina. Skarb świątyni
Enrico Marini, Stephen Desberg Wydawnictwo: Egmont

Podwójny album o przygodach awanturnika Skorpiona, wplątującego się w międzynarodową aferę, związaną z odszukaniem krzyża, na którym umarł święty Piotr. Razem z towarzyszami dociera do południowej... czytaj dalej

Gintama tom 14
Hideaki Sorachi Wydawnictwo: inne

The samurai didn't stand a chance. First, the aliens invaded Japan. Next, they took all the jobs. And then they confiscated everyone's swords. So what does a hotheaded former samurai like Sakata "Gin" Gintoki... czytaj dalej