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08 SIERPNIA 2006
X: Kai tom 2
Asami Tohjoh Wydawnictwo: inne

Kaito receives his next assignment--assassinate a religious cult leader. But things get complicated after he is sucked into joining the cult, and flashes from Kaito's past stir up memories from his mysterious... czytaj dalej

05 SIERPNIA 2006
Natsume Yuujinchou tom 2
Yuki Midorikawa Wydawnictwo: inne

Most books just describe the supernatural. This one brings it. Much to his surprise, Takashi is settling into his new home. He's even making friends at school. So when some of the other kids invite him to a... czytaj dalej

04 SIERPNIA 2006
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! tom 11
Akira Amano Wydawnictwo: inne

Tsuna and his friends continue to train for the imminent confrontation with the Varia. Tsuna manages to complete the second stage of his training and Yamamoto has learned all he can from his father about swordplay... czytaj dalej

Rainbow tom 14
Abe George, Kakizaki Masasumi Wydawnictwo: inne

Six minors (16 or 17 years) answering to the nicknames of Joe, Mario, Suppon, Baremoto, Heitai and Kyabetsu are put into a reformatory for offences such as aggravated assault, swindle, flight, etc. Their stay... czytaj dalej

01 SIERPNIA 2006
W.I.T.C.H. Pieczęć Nerissy
Elisabetta Gnone Wydawnictwo: Egmont Tom 17 cyklu: W.I.T.C.H. Komiksy

Strażniczki wyjeżdżają na upragnione wakacje. Z pozoru sielski kamping okazuje się niebezpiecznym miejscem. W okolicy pojawia się dziwny stwór, który terroryzuje okolicę. Dziewczyny śnią koszmary. Nieznany... czytaj dalej

Golden Days tom 3
Shigeru Takao Wydawnictwo: inne

eeling rebellious toward his overprotective mother, Souma Mitsuya, a first-year high school student, only cares about his violin and his hospitalized grandfather. On the night his grandfather's condition suddenly... czytaj dalej

Eyeshield 21 tom 9
Riichiro Inagaki, Yusuke Murata Wydawnictwo: inne

Fun in the sun! When the Devil Bats and the Seibu Wild Gunmen head to the Texas coast, they merge to form a single team and compete in a beach football tournament! But this game is played without helmets..... czytaj dalej

Beauty is the Beast tom 4
Tomo Matsumoto Wydawnictwo: inne

As winter sets in at the dforms and the boys hog all the electricity, Shimonuki continues his quest to win Eimi's heart. She agrees to a date but they both end up confessing to Wanibuchi. Despite Wanibuchi's... czytaj dalej

Magical X Miracle tom 2
Yuzu Mizutani Wydawnictwo: inne

As Merleawe becomes more comfortable living among the disciples of Sylthfarn, she's still not confident that she can pull off the role well enough to convince everyone. Glenn encourages her to be more like... czytaj dalej

D.N.Angel tom 4
Yukiru Sugisaki Wydawnictwo: inne

Nazywam się Daisuke Niwa. W dniu moich 14. urodzin przeszedłem przemianę. Gdy wystarczająco mocno pomyślę o ukochanej dziewczynie, zamieniam się w "legendarnego włamywacza" Darka! Chciałbym być zakochany tak... czytaj dalej