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23 KWIETNIA 2004
Love Monster tom 5
Riko Miyagi Wydawnictwo: inne

After failing the entrance exams to her school of choice, Hiyoko Osora gets an acceptance letter from SM Academy. But she didn’t even apply or take its exam! When she arrives, there’s something... czytaj dalej

21 KWIETNIA 2004
The Prince of Tennis tom 1
Takeshi Konomi Wydawnictwo: inne

There is a rumor going around that a twelve-year-old boy is going to enter the sixteen-year-old and under tennis group. How can someone so young ever hope to compete with kids much older and more experienced... czytaj dalej

Shaman King tom 3
Hiroyuki Takei Wydawnictwo: inne

Back in action with a new body to abuse, Tokagero is out for revenge against Amidamaru, the samurai who killed him 600 years ago. But when Amidamaru is in danger, it spells trouble for spirit medium Yoh.... czytaj dalej

19 KWIETNIA 2004
Tenjou Tenge tom 11
Ōgure Ito Wydawnictwo: inne

Though Mazata has jettisoned his mechanical arms, he still possesses the even deadlier Dragon Claws. But when the Black Dragon withing Soichiro comes out to play, things get ugly! In the aftermath, Soichiro... czytaj dalej

Hells Angels tom 3
Hiromoto Shinichi Wydawnictwo: inne

Po zniszczeniu Serca Kain i Abel powrócili do swoich wcieleń, przy okazji doprowadzając do wielu szkód na terenie Szkoły. Jednak to nie koniec. Rozpoczyna się ostateczna rozgrywka między nimi... czytaj dalej

Fruits Basket tom 14
Natsuki Takaya Wydawnictwo: inne

A family with an ancient curse... And the girl who will change their lives forever... Isuzu loves snooping through Shigure's life, especially when she's totally convinced that he is hiding something.... czytaj dalej

17 KWIETNIA 2004
Katsu! tom 12
Mitsuru Adachi Wydawnictwo: inne

Satoyama Katsuki is a carefree 15 year-old high school kid, and a pretty lazy one at that. However, he secretly has a crush on a girl who happens to share his name: Mizutani Katsuki. Upon finding out that Mizutani's... czytaj dalej

13 KWIETNIA 2004
Samurai Deeper Kyo tom 6
Akimine Kamijyo Wydawnictwo: inne

Forest of the Damned Aokigahara, the forest at the base of Mt. Fuji, is said to be home to bloodthirsty monsters; no mortal man dare walk these woods. But today Aokigahara has become quite crowded. Demon Eyes... czytaj dalej

GetBackers tom 2
Yuya Aoki, Rando Ayamine, Kibayashi Shin Wydawnictwo: inne

After retrieving a lucky cat for their clients, the GetBackers discover a floppy disc that was left behind after the cat was returned. However, the floppy disc was what the clients were really after and they... czytaj dalej

12 KWIETNIA 2004
Zettai Kareshi tom 3
Yuu Watase Wydawnictwo: inne

Shy high school student Riko Izawa aches for a boyfriend but guys just won't look her way. Then one day she signs up for a three-day trial of a mysterious "lover figurine," and the next thing she knows, a cute... czytaj dalej