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Ken, a young Japanese guy, is in love with a young Korean girl Yumin. He followed her in Korea and wants to become a policeman just like her. But then, he finds himself at the head of a local gang. What will happen to Ken?... czytaj dalej
Londyn, stolica Imperium Brytyjskiego, musi stawić czoła kolejnej serii dziwnych przestępstw. Miasto żyje plotkami na temat tego, kto może stać za atakami na Brytyjczyków powracających do kraju z Indii. Dobre... czytaj dalej
Najpierw były bestsellerowe powieści, potem przebojowy serial HBO. Teraz znani powieściopisarz i rysownik nadają Grze o tron George'a R.R. Martina - arcydziełu epickiej fantasy - nową wspaniałą postać w barwnej... czytaj dalej
There once was a hero who stood against evil. He sacrificed himself to save the world, and everyone believed he died on Bloody New Year’s Eve. But eighteen years later, when the entire world is under... czytaj dalej
Kyo faces his most formidable foe yet--Oda Nobunagas soul, trapped inside the shaman Nozomu's body! And when Nobunaga raises the souls of the former Twelve God Shogun, Kyo finds himself face-to-face with an... czytaj dalej
Sakura-gari is a Taishou Era romantic story, ten years in the making. It centers around the 16-year-old Tagami Masataka as he aims to find his place in life. While attempting to start prep school as a rounin... czytaj dalej
As of now, Uriah Fallow has injured Graves, stolen Mose’s body and kidnapped Marissa. Graves is left for dead until he rescued by a group of woodsmen and their mysterious leader. Once rescued, Graves... czytaj dalej
Komuro i reszta próbują wydostać się z centrum handlowego. To, co wydawało się rajem, zamienia się w piekło gdy tylko pojawiają się tam umarli. Niestety, nawet mając dobry plan i organizację, aby grupa... czytaj dalej
The biggest mutant cover-up has gone public as the true history of the X-Gene is revealed. the United States government has been outed as the X-Gene's creator and mutants have been branded terrorists. as an... czytaj dalej
The Power of the Rings Tsuna and his friends have been thrust ten years into the future, where all is decidedly not well. Their only hope of survival seems to lie with Lal Mirch, one-time associate of Tsuna's father Iemitsu.... czytaj dalej