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25 MAJA 2005
Desire Climax tom 2
Ayane Ukyou Wydawnictwo: inne

Omori Mio is 17 years old. To help out her desperately poor family, she takes on a part-time job. Then, one night, a boy snatches a kiss from her and offers her money, saying, "I'll buy you." Who is the boy... czytaj dalej

Ibara no Ou tom 5
Yuji Iwahara Wydawnictwo: inne

The horror deepens as the diminishing band of survivors struggles to keep sane--and alive. When a secret video reveals the truth behind the Medusa virus to Kasumi and the other survivors, will the revelation... czytaj dalej

24 MAJA 2005
Trigun Maximum tom 5
Yasuhiro Nightow Wydawnictwo: inne

Vash the Stampede and his cohorts remain locked in a frenetic and terribly destructive battle with the remaining members of the Gung-Ho Guns, who are terribly resistant to defeat. The bitter feud promises to... czytaj dalej

19 MAJA 2005
Fruits Basket tom 17
Natsuki Takaya Wydawnictwo: inne

A family with an ancient curse... And the girl who will change their lives forever... Akito has more than skeletons hiding in the closet--the curse, dear reader, is not the only reason Kureno won't leave... czytaj dalej

18 MAJA 2005
Hirek. Gdy w Egipcie rządził faraon
Łukasz Zabdyr Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Sandomierz

To pierwszy komiks katolicki stworzony i wydany w Polsce. Bohaterem książki jest Hieronim - urwis i zapaleniec sportowy. Towarzyszy mu Anioł Stróż... Hieronim ma do przygotowania na lekcję religii historię... czytaj dalej

17 MAJA 2005
Air Gear 10
Wydawnictwo: inne Tom 10 cyklu: Air Gear

... czytaj dalej

14 MAJA 2005
Kuma to Interi
Natsume Ono Wydawnictwo: inne

Collection of interconnecting oneshots: 1) Con Te (With You) A waiter, Neri, working in a high-end restaurant likes intellectual gentlemen and is currently involved in a "sexual relationship" with a third-class... czytaj dalej

10 MAJA 2005
Threads of Time tom 5
Mi Young Noh Wydawnictwo: inne

With the whole of the Mongol invasion force at his very heels, Moon Bin Kim and his fetching servant girl are on a desperate flight to his father's stronghold at Ghu Zhu Palace. On the road, Moon Bin will encounter... czytaj dalej

09 MAJA 2005
Akumetsu tom 13
Yoshiaki Tabata, Yuuki Yugo Wydawnictwo: inne

In a near-future Japan where politicians and businessmen pamper and lavish themselves amidst growing public unrest, while excessive corruption and speculation lead the country to a massive economic downfall... czytaj dalej

04 MAJA 2005
Shaman King tom 6
Hiroyuki Takei Wydawnictwo: inne

Back in action with a new body to abuse, Tokagero is out for revenge against Amidamaru, the samurai who killed him 600 years ago. But when Amidamaru is in danger, it spells trouble for spirit medium Yoh.... czytaj dalej