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Based on the word-list of the Little Oxford Dictionary, and including its most helpful features, the Universal English-Gujarati Dictionary contains 34,000 English words and phrases covering a broad range of... czytaj dalej
This intensive foundation course in German is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the language. Offering an original and distinctive approach to language learning, the course presents German... czytaj dalej
NTC's Thesaurus of Everyday American English presents the information users need to make decisions about correct word choice and is designed to help the user learn how to select the best word for a particular... czytaj dalej
Many visiting scientists from China and Taiwan lack confidence in their abilities with the English language. This handbook is designed to aid native Chinese speaking scientists learn English scientific terms... czytaj dalej
This book examines the hypothesis of ", which requires that semantic interpretation proceed in tandem with syntactic combination. Although associated with the dominant view in formal semantics of the 1970s... czytaj dalej
Ever get the feeling that the new jobs are not always advertised? You'd be right. To give yourself the best chance of landing that dream job you can't rely on responding to job ads and waiting for the headhunter... czytaj dalej
"Kaleidoskop" is essentially two books in one: a cultural and literary reader with a comprehensive review of grammar. This allows maximum flexibility for instructors to design their own programs.... czytaj dalej
Repetytorium przeznaczone jest przede wszystkim dla maturzystów,kandydatów na studia oraz dla studentów uczęszczających na lektorat języka francuskiego. Mogą z niego korzystać także osoby pragnące poszerzyć... czytaj dalej
Celem serii jest doprowadzenie uczniów do opanowania języka na poziomie A1 określonych przez Radę Europy w dokumencie "Europejski system opisu kształcenia językowego", czyli zapewnienie minimum komunikacji... czytaj dalej