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Kohn Pederson Fox
A. Cuito Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Providing an in-depth overview of renowned architectural firms' best work, this series presents the best architects practising in the United States. This title is a "mini"-graph, providing information... czytaj dalej

Routledge Handbook of Sports Sponsorship
A. Ferrand Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sports sponsorship has exploded in value over the last decades, and is now a multi-million pound industry. As such is has become a core topic on sports management, sports marketing and general business courses... czytaj dalej

Louis I Kahn Beyond Time & Style
C. Wiseman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Drawing on interviews with colleagues, clients and family members, this book documents the uniquely American rise of a poor immigrant to the pinnacle of the international architectural world. It illuminates... czytaj dalej

Contemporary World Interiors
S. Yelavich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Similar in format to Phaidon's Contemporary World Architecture, Contemporary World Interiors is a thorough survey of the current state of international interior design. This is a comprehensive survey of notable... czytaj dalej

Fundamental Building Technology
Charlett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

All students undertaking Level One undergraduate programmes in construction need to develop an understanding of basic building techniques. This up-to-date and dependable textbook takes the reader through the... czytaj dalej

Researching the Culture in Agri-Culture
M. Cernea Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book analyzes the functions, content, methods, findings, and impacts of social and cultural research carried out by the worldwide network of 16 International Agricultural Research Centers of the CGIAR... czytaj dalej

Rozwiązanie umowy za zgoda stron
Podrecka Małgorzata Wydawnictwo: Branta

Książka poświęcona jest zagadnieniom rozwiązania umowy zobowiązującej i zobowiązująco-rozporządzającej za zgodą stron, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem cywilnoprawnych skutków tej czynności. Na tym tle zostały... czytaj dalej

Loose Space
K. Franck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Public space is a frequent theme in recent writing about cities; scholars describe ways in which urban activities, histories and identities are prescribed, controlled and homogenized. However, in this book... czytaj dalej

Pathologies of Modern Space
Milun Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book takes an international focus on the topic of agoraphobia, looking at London, Paris, Berlin, and St. Petersburg.... czytaj dalej

B. Cosgrave Wydawnictwo: angielskie

SAMPLE takes its place in a series of surveys identifying 100 of the most interesting, cutting-edge practitioners of key art forms. Earlier surveys include cream and Fresh Cream, for contemporary art, 10x10... czytaj dalej