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IPM System in Agriculture v 6 Cash Crops
R. Upadhyay Wydawnictwo: inne

The book includes all important insect pests and diseases of major cash crops dealing biology, damage symptoms, life history, host parasite interactions, ecology, epidemiology and their management options... czytaj dalej

R. Venosa Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A sequel to the author's earlier collections, "Manas Manna" and "Noospheres", this volume presents over 200 reproductions of Robert Venosa's work in Fantastic Realism. ... czytaj dalej

Techniques & Technologies in Morphogenetic Design
M. Hensel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This issue of AD introduces a new approach to architectural practice based on the interrelationship of emergence and self-organisation concepts. A sequence to the successful Emergence: Morphogenetic Design... czytaj dalej

Interior Design Business Handbook
Knackstedt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This Fourth Edition covers computer software and database tools that are written exclusively for the interior design field and general financial and project management programs that can streamline internal... czytaj dalej

Architecture Today
J. Steele Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With the collapse of Modernism in the 1960s, architecture has fragmented and evolved in many different directions, each driven by its own ideologies and theories. This book sets out a clear and comprehensive... czytaj dalej

Madulin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This reference work gives comprehensive coverage of the biology and control of African, Asian and South American trypanosomiasis in man and animals. It describes recent research developments in the biology... czytaj dalej

Reducing Rural Poverty in Asia
Islam Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The majority of the world's poor live in Asia, and most of these live in rural areas. These areas are also infamous for the food insecurity and malnutrition associated with poverty. Making even a modest dent... czytaj dalej

Sleeping Spaces
L. Skolnik Wydawnictwo: angielskie

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, so where we actually lay our heads for this vital activity deserves more than a passing thought. Sleeping Spaces shows how to create a calming sanctuary from the outside... czytaj dalej

Jewish Kitchen
Hyman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"A wonderfully picturesque and well-written collection of kosher recipes and reminiscences from years gone by . . . This delightful cookbook will enhance any kitchen."--"Publishers Weekly."... czytaj dalej

Training with the Master
J. Stevens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Through an extraordinary collection of photographs, Training with the Master depicts the training methods and daily life of Morehei Ueshiba, the founder of the marital art known as aikido, or the way of harmony... czytaj dalej