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Despite the intolerable costs of greenhouse emissions and the dwindling of natural oil, gas and uranium reserves, the vast majority of cities and urban communities are managed, administered and planned as if... czytaj dalej
Up Against the Wall examines graphic design's purest form of expression: the poster. It looks at a wide range of posters from around the world, by internationally renowned designers, including Stefan Sagmeister... czytaj dalej
Este catalogo recoge la obra desarrollada durante los últimos quince ańos por Stephen Hodder, caracterizada por la ausencia de dogmatismo y su carácter abierto y plenamente consciente del patrimonio del que... czytaj dalej
A sequel to the author's earlier collections, "Manas Manna" and "Noospheres", this volume presents over 200 reproductions of Robert Venosa's work in Fantastic Realism. ... czytaj dalej
This book provides a practical approach to applying statistics to a wide variety of studies or projects. It helps bring together the biophysical and socioeconomic aspects that are increasingly seen as integral... czytaj dalej
25 Houses Under 2,500 Square Feet discusses carefully defined spaces and how space can be used most effectively. The 25 recently-constructed homes featured are 2,500 feet and under with some as small as 640... czytaj dalej
Part of a series of technically informative monographs embracing a broad spectrum of internationally renowned buildings, this work deals with the engineering department building of Leicester University, and... czytaj dalej
The history of nineteenth-century European warfare is framed by the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. The Crimean War and the struggles for Italian and German... czytaj dalej
The heart of this book is the essay collection detailing 100 plant generations over 40 years. The soul of the book is the heartwarming story of how the Fosters came to Millstream House in 1949 and turned a... czytaj dalej
In Physiological Bases for Maize Improvement, international experts in the field discuss and analyze methods of effectively improving crop breeding and producing better and larger yields of corn. ... czytaj dalej