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To tylko awaria, czyli katastrofy i wpadki z pecetem
Jesse Torres, Peter Sideris Wydawnictwo: Helion

Bądź przygotowany do walki z awariami Komputery spotykamy dziś niemal na każdym kroku, stopniowo stajemy się od nich uzależnieni. Używamy ich w pracy i w domu, korzystamy z systemów bankowości elektronicznej... czytaj dalej

Building Sacalable Network Services Theory & Practice
Jin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jin (California Institute of Technology), Sugih Jamin (U. of Michigan), Danny Raz of Israel, and Yuval Shavitt (Tel Aviv U.) introduce the research into scalable network infrastructure and network system design... czytaj dalej

IT Production Acceptance
G. Walker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Production acceptance is where the rubber meets the road: where internal customers, IT decision-makers, and support professionals must work together to make sure their mission-critical software is truly ready... czytaj dalej

Multi-Platform Wireless Web Applications: Cracking Code
D. Team Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book brings you complete web application with design specifications, flow diagrams, and source code with line-by-line explanation. You'll build a completely functional web application and make it available... czytaj dalej

Risk Management Solutions for Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404
John S. Quarterman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Examines how risk management security technologies must prevent virus and computer attacks, as well as providing insurance and processes for natural disasters such as fire, floods, tsunamis, terrorist attacks... czytaj dalej

Redesigning Web Sites Retooling for Changing Needs of Busin
S. Mumaw Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Redesigning Web Sites is a timely and tactical book that no Web designer should be without. Featuring in-depth case studies of twenty-two Web sites that have been recently redesigned, the author examines the... czytaj dalej

Cyber Rules
Farley-Gillispie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Educators and parents must help steer children and adolescents through the digital terrain. Including stories, self-assessment features and quizzes, and practical advice, this guide aids the Internet-wary and... czytaj dalej

Digital & Analog Communication Systems 7e
L. Couch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For junior- to senior-level introductory communication systems courses for undergraduates, or an introductory graduate course. This revision of Couch's authoritative text provides the latest treatment of digital... czytaj dalej

Go with Microsoft Office Excel 2003
S. Gaskin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For Introductory Computer courses in Microsoft Office 2003 or courses in Computer Concepts with a lab component for Microsoft Office 2003 applications.  Teach the course YOU want in LESS TIME. The primary goal... czytaj dalej

Photoshop Elements 5 for Windows
C. Hoeschen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Photoshop Elements is geared for business users, students, educators, and home users who want professional-looking images for their print and Web projects, but don't want or need the advanced power of Adobe... czytaj dalej