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To tylko awaria, czyli katastrofy i wpadki z pecetem
Jesse Torres, Peter Sideris Wydawnictwo: Helion

Bądź przygotowany do walki z awariami Komputery spotykamy dziś niemal na każdym kroku, stopniowo stajemy się od nich uzależnieni. Używamy ich w pracy i w domu, korzystamy z systemów bankowości elektronicznej... czytaj dalej

PHP5. Wprowadzenie
David Sklar Wydawnictwo: Helion

Poznaj możliwości języka PHP5 Zbuduj komponenty dynamicznych witryn WWW Wykorzystaj funkcje z biblioteki PEAR Przetestuj kod i usuń błędy Czas, kiedy statyczne witryny internetowe przyciągały rzesze... czytaj dalej

Making of Doom III
Kent Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This unique title is designed to appeal to Doom fanatics ż and there are legions of them!It goes beyond the strategy guides and the magazines to bring fans an in-depth inside look at the creators, the art and... czytaj dalej

Linux for Programmers & Users
K. Ables Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For introductory through advanced courses in Linux. Addressing the growing popularity of Linux in the academic setting, this text is based on the widely used book by these authors, "UNIX for Programmers... czytaj dalej

Information Risk & Security
Wilding Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Information Risk and Security explains the complex and diverse sources of risk for any organization and provides clear guidance and strategies to address these threats before they happen, and to investigate... czytaj dalej

Rapid Instructional Design
G. Piskurich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the second edition of the best-selling book that shows how to get instructional design done fast and get it done right! If you need a basic understanding of what instructional design is and a hands-on... czytaj dalej

Web Standards Design Guide
K. Ruse Wydawnictwo: inne

Web Standards Design Guide is written to inform and guide Web designers through the maze of online standards information, so that they can understand how and why to conform to these standards. It provides a... czytaj dalej

Fuzzy Automata & Languages Theory & Applications
J. Mordeson Wydawnictwo: inne

Offers an unparalleled treatment of the mathematics of fuzzy automataIncludes complete proofs of the theoretical results presentedCompares and contrasts the different approaches used in fuzzy mathematics and... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Systems Science
J. Warfield Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first book that renders a thorough discussion of systems science. It draws on material from an extensive collection of external sources, including several other books and a special library collection... czytaj dalej

Cybersins and Digital Good Deeds
M. Bell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bell, Ezell and Van Roekel (all Sam Houston State U., Texas) present an encyclopedic guide for general readers to the trends, developments, devices, and ideas in the world of technology and information ethics... czytaj dalej