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3D Game Textures
Luke Ahearn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Learn how to create professional-quality game textures from an industry expert. This in-depth guide will teach you to create game textures using only Photoshop - no special skills or tools required. Inside... czytaj dalej

Professional's Guide to Data Communication in a TCP/IP World
B. Carne Wydawnictwo: inne

This hands-on resource provides professionals with a comprehensive picture of the Internet protocol stack and the role of TCP/IP in data communication. It serves as a detailed guide to the protocols, networks... czytaj dalej

Spring into HTML & CSS
M. Holzschlag Wydawnictwo: inne

Whether working as a laboratory scientist, a mechanical engineer, an attorney,or virtually any other profession, the need or desire to use HTML effectivelyarises often. The Web has become an essential publishing... czytaj dalej

Sonar 5 Power
S. Garrigus Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Get the most out of SONAR 5 with the definitive guidebook! SONAR 5 Power! picks up where the manual leaves off, teaching you how to dig deep into the program with step-by-step examples and exercises. From initially... czytaj dalej

Software Quality
Khan Wydawnictwo: inne

Quality is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be described from different perspectives depending on the context peculiarities and the stakeholders. Though measuring quality is not a new theme, asking... czytaj dalej

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Programming
D. Sunderic Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Learn the design of stored procedures in both T-SQL and CLR languages such as C# and Visual Basic.NET
Learn how to use system stored procedures
Learn to develop all programmable database objects (such a... czytaj dalej

Distributed Systems
G. Colouris Wydawnictwo: inne

Broad and up-to-date coverage of the principles and practice in this fast moving area. Includes the key issues in the debate between components and web services as the way forward for industry.The depth of... czytaj dalej

Oracle HTML DB Handbook
Brown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book will provide a comprehensive examination of this emerging Oracle technology for developing web applications. Starting with an overview of the capabilities of the product, the book will demonstrate... czytaj dalej

MPEG-21 Book
I. Burnett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Understand the MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework, the standard for the creation, delivery and consumption of multimedia. This text is the comprehensive guide to MPEG-21, the technology that provides an open framework... czytaj dalej

Intrusion Prevention Fundamentals
J. Hogue Wydawnictwo: inne

For the first time ever in 2004, virus costs outpaced the costs for any other type of security incident. A new technology called Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) greatly mitigates the virus problem. IPS can... czytaj dalej