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Edukacja europejska w szkoleStudia europejskiePodnoszenie kwalifikacji zawodowych... czytaj dalej
'This is a book which will have wide appeal, not just to business ethicists, but to politicians, members of non-governmental organisations, historians, economists, the general public and, of course, company... czytaj dalej
Risk Management consists of 8 Parts and 18 Chapters covering risk management, market risk methodologies (including VAR and stress testing), credit risk in derivative transactions, other derivatives trading... czytaj dalej
The most practical, authoritative guide to federal government auditing Federal Government Auditing is a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide to the unique requirements of federal government auditing#8212;requirements... czytaj dalej
This comprehensive total quality management text aims to provide readers with an appreciation of the concepts and principles of TQM and is a wide-ranging source of reference for the many associated tools, techniques and systems.... czytaj dalej
With a practical focus, this handbook presents a complete guide to maximizing the range and impact of e-mail marketing techniques. It analyses where e-mail marketing works and where it shouldn't be used, and... czytaj dalej
Written by a Leading Tax trainer from Lexis Nexis, this book covers all areas within the CIMA CPD Certificate in Business Taxation. It is has been specifically updated to incorporate changes in the 2006 Finance... czytaj dalej
Leveraging Good Will shows how nonprofit organizations can access the extraordinary resources of businesses, and how for-profits can benefit from partnering with nonprofits. Written by Alice Korngold#8212;an... czytaj dalej
Lean manufacturing is not a collection of best practices from which manufacturers can pick and choose. It is a production philosophy, a way of conceptualizing the manufacturing process from raw material to... czytaj dalej
The continuing rapid evolution of financial systems challenges both management and regulators. While management strives to find cost-effective organizational structures that offer sufficient flexibility to... czytaj dalej