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Światem wykreowanym przez Jana Lebensteina rządzą naczelne zasady groteski ? deformacja i niespójność. Dotyczą one zarówno sposobu komponowania elementów płaszczyzny, jak i warstwy treściowej obrazu. Można... czytaj dalej
By the time Queen Victoria died in 1901, transport, communications, the global economy, and many aspects of social life were recognisably similar to those of our own day. These revolutionary developments are... czytaj dalej
Jake and Dinos Chapman are two of the world's most renowned, and most controversial, contemporary artists; their work has been shown extensively in solo exhibitions internationally. Most recently, the Chapman's... czytaj dalej
Queens#8217; Jewels is the result of a ten-year quest into the highly secretive realm of the collections of royal families throughout the world. The author has discovered the most precious jewels in existence#8211;symbols... czytaj dalej
Cinema Today is a survey of world cinema and the films that have dominated our screens over the last thirty years. Written by Edward Buscombe, academic and leading authority on Western films, Cinema Today marks... czytaj dalej
Such graphic manifestos of rock rebellion have long provided a visual complement to the music, gaining increased relevance and renown in the '90s by defying the disembodied nature of the digital revolution... czytaj dalej
A complete reference and instruction guide for mosaic lovers, this title features 17 varied projects for home and garden - from birdbaths and planters to lampshades and mirrors. Clear step-by-step instructions... czytaj dalej
A re-encounter with Chilean audiences after an absence of twenty-five years. An anthology of works better known to the rest of the world than to his native country. A frank, demanding dialogue with a new public... czytaj dalej
The systematic practice of non-traditional or "colorblind" casting began with Joseph Papp's New York Shakespeare Festival in the 1950s. Although colorblind casting has been practiced for half a century... czytaj dalej
This ground-breaking anthology is the first to be dedicated to assessing critically the role of the human sensorium in performance. Senses in Performance presents a multifaceted approach to the methodological... czytaj dalej