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Steinberg at the New Yorker
Frazier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Born in Romania in 1914, Steinberg studied architecture in Milan and made a name for himself as a cartoonist before fleeing fascist Italy in 1941. Avidly sponsored by The New Yorker, he arrived in Manhattan... czytaj dalej

Front Row Evenings at the Theatre
Beryl Bainbridge Wydawnictwo: inne

The incredible range of Beryl Bainbridge's talents is known toi her most fervenbt admirers. As well as being one of Britian's most acclaimed and biggest selling novelists, she is also an artist,a former actor... czytaj dalej

Cannon-Brown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides an original treatment of the concept of good and beauty in ancient Egypt. It seeks to examine the dimensions of "nefer," the term used to describe the good and the beautiful, within... czytaj dalej

Sculpture Reader
Halper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A unique anthology of articles on contemporary sculptors drawn from the 25-year history of "Sculpture" magazine, "A Sculpture Reader" offers a valuable overview of three dimensional art... czytaj dalej

Archeologia XV część 1
Olczak Jerzy (red.) Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Czy biskup Reinbern budował katedrę w Kołobrzegu?Średniowieczne, wolno stojące murowane wieże na LubelszczyźniePóźnośredniowieczne i nowożytne założenia obronne między Krotoszynem a ŻerkowemArchitektura siedziby... czytaj dalej

Metaloplastyka żydowska w Polsce
Chrzanowska Agnieszka Wydawnictwo: NERITON

Autorka przedstawiła tradycję związanego najpierw z kultem rzemiosła metalowego i prześledziła jego dzieje na ziemiach polskich, zwracają uwagę na ikonografię i symbolikę prac, zagadnienia stylu i techniki... czytaj dalej

Art Forms from the Ocean The Radiolarian Prints of Ernst
O. Breidbach Wydawnictwo: angielskie

At the nexus of art and science, this dazzling new edition of Ernst Haeckel's first work reintroduces the genius of an enigmatic scientist and passionate observer of the natural world. Although original editions... czytaj dalej

Potter's Art a Complete History of Pottery in Britain
G. Clark Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first book to provide a comprehensive overview of British pottery, The Potters Art traces this remarkable history from the rudimentary pots of the Middle Ages to the intellectually ambitious art of todays... czytaj dalej

Calza Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Katsushika Hokusai (1769-1849) was one of the greatest of the Japanese print designers, painters and book illustrators, and by far the most famous Asian artist in the West. This richly illustrated monograph... czytaj dalej

Life & Afterlife
O. Enwezor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Photography plays a role in most of our lives - but rarely in our deaths. If you happened to live in the West African country of Benin * during the 1960s and 1970s, photography was quite literally a matter... czytaj dalej