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Making & Marketing
Faries Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume is about Netherlandish workshop practice from the late fifteenth century to the 1560s. Some articles present the results of new technical studies that are comprehensive in nature, revealing the... czytaj dalej

Skarby przeszłości
red. Paul G. Bahn Wydawnictwo: Muza

W książce tej staraliśmy się zawrzeć reprezentatywny wybór skarbów" z całego świata. Ponieważ termin ten jest tak ogólny, najtrudniej było dokonać wyboru. Pomyślcie o liczbie rzeźb i okazów biżuterii,... czytaj dalej

One Hundred Photographs
B. Bernard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1996 Bruce Bernard was commissioned to create a collection of photographs for an eminent private collector. After several years of trawling through galleries, art fairs and auction houses he settled on 100... czytaj dalej

Rolling Stone 1000 Covers
Wenner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For the past 39 years, the covers of "Rolling Stone" have depicted the great icons of popular culture, from John Lennon, Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones, and Madonna to Steve Martin, Uma Thurman, and... czytaj dalej

Birds of the World
M. Baran-Marescot Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Building on more than twenty years' experience travelling and photographing in some of the world's remotest places, Gilles Martin offers in his new book a magnificent photographic collection of some of the... czytaj dalej

Guerilla Film Makers Handbook
Chris Jones Wydawnictwo: inne

Brand new edition of this bestseller - the only book an amateur film maker needs! An entirely new, updated, and expanded third edition of the UK's best-selling filmmaker's bible, last updated in 2000. This... czytaj dalej

Abstract Art
M. Gooding Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work rejects the view that abstraction can be traced as a succession of stylistic trends, each set within its particular art-historical context. It offers readings of specific paintings by such artists... czytaj dalej

Patterns of the Earth
B. Edmaier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bernhard Edmaier's source book of the extraordinary and abstract natural patterns that occur on the earth's surface features over 500 photographs by this award-winning aerial photographer and author of Earthsong... czytaj dalej

Malarze polscy mehoffer
Pawlińska Aleksandra Wydawnictwo: Edipresse Książki

Józef Mehoffer, życie i dzieło.... czytaj dalej

Dali Genius Obsession & Lust
R. Schiebler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text analyzes the different periods of the Dali's development from 1921 to 1983, supported by a selection of his paintings. It presents interpretations of Dali's pictures, using the artist's own writings... czytaj dalej