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R. Humphreys Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Futurism, brainchild of the Italian writer and impresario, F.T. Marinetti, was the defining avant-garde art movement of the 20th century. This book traces it from its origins in dissident underground politics... czytaj dalej

Leaves & Pods
J. Iselin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the delicate new growth that emerges in springtime to jewel-toned fall foliage to winter's brown husks, leaves unfurl, mature and wither in a life cycle that evokes our own. But a tree's leaves and the... czytaj dalej

Malarstwo Wilhelma Leopolskiego
Rutkowska Katarzyna Wydawnictwo: NERITON

Wybitny malarz, pochodzący ze Lwowa, uznawany był za konkurenta Jana Matejki w malarstwie historycznym. Niestety jego prace uległy rozproszeniu, a on sam - zapomnieniu. Autorka przybliża jego biografię, twórczość... czytaj dalej

Gustav Klimt
G. Klimt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This unique treasure of a book captures the sensual pleasure of an artist's sketchbook as well as the genius behind Klimt's vision of women. Throughout his career, Gustav Klimt completed hundreds of paintings... czytaj dalej

Sztuka w dziejach człowieka
Mary Hallingsworth Wydawnictwo: Arkady

Wspaniale ilustrowana syntetyczna historia sztuki pokazuje początki i ewolucję doświadczeń plastycznych i architektonicznych we wszystkich okresach historycznych. Umożliwia poznanie dokonań artystycznych w... czytaj dalej

Kobre Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Photojournalism, Fifth Edition includes new interviews with well known photojournalists such as, Anne Wells story of a Pulitzer Prize winning photo, John Gaps III, formerly of the Associated Press, David Hume... czytaj dalej

Jewish Identity Project
S. Chevlowe Wydawnictwo: brak danych

While American Jews are commonly considered a homogeneous ethnic group, the reality today is far more complex. Conversion, adoption, intermarriage and immigration, have transformed the fabric of Jewish communities... czytaj dalej

Typical Men The Representation of Masculinity in Popular
Spicer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Typical Men is the first history of masculinity in British film from World War II to the end of the 1990s. It explores in detail the changing nature of the dominant male cultural types: the debonair gentleman... czytaj dalej

Egyptian Art
J. Malek Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the geometrical precision of the pyramids to the golden treasures found in Tutankhamun`s tomb, the art of ancient Egypt has an enduring capacity to attract and intrigue. These remarkable works of art are... czytaj dalej

Max Huber
S. von Moss Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Between 1942 and 1980, Max Huber (1919-92) earned an international reputation as one of the most innovative, distinctive and significant designers of his generation. After an Arts and Crafts education and later... czytaj dalej