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Environmental Thought
E. Page Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Page (political science, Lund University, Sweden) and Proops (ecological economics, Keele University, UK) present recent research into environmental issues from a social science perspective. Contributors in... czytaj dalej

Negotiating Environmental Change
F. Berkhout Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Global environmental change will be with us forever, but how it happens in the future, and with what effect on the planet and its peoples, depends to a large extent on how the international agreements, national... czytaj dalej

Political Economy of The Voluntary Sector
B. Dollery Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'By posing the questions which economists might ask as they study the voluntary sector the authors have produced an innovative and useful piece of work which will contribute to the now considerable literature... czytaj dalej

Economic Reform in China & India
Chai Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Recent acceleration of the Indian economic growth rate from 6 to 8 per cent has sparked worldwide speculation that India is about to catch up with China and become another Asian miracle economy. Economic Reform... czytaj dalej

Neurological Therapeutics 3 Vols
J. Noseworthy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With over 600 figures and tables, Neurological Therapeutics: Principles and Practice is a fully updated three-volume text, available both as a hardback and in web-formats, to be used as important reference... czytaj dalej

Orthodontic Pearls Selection of Practical Tips & Clinical Ex
E. Mizrahi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This outstanding book synthesizes a wealth of information gleaned from clinical and administrative experiences in orthodontic practice. Contributors from around the world provide tips, techniques and practical... czytaj dalej

Clinical Skills for OSCEs
N. Burton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Building on the strengths of the acknowledged First Edition, extra features now includea host of new chapters such as instructing how to set up a blood transfusion, drug administration via a nebuliser, examination... czytaj dalej

Case Studies of Modified Treatment Practices for Disinfectio
Krasner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Utilities must decide whether to modify their existing treatment practices to achieve compliance with the D/DBP regulations. A regulatory impact analysis predicted that up to 70% of large surface-water systems... czytaj dalej

Yearbook of ICED 2003-2004
S. Stokke Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Yearbook of International Co-operation on Environment and Development aims to demonstrate the status of collaboration, the main obstacles to effective international solutions, and how to overcome them.... czytaj dalej

State of the Native Nations: Conditions Under U.S.
Henson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Media filters and personal preconceptions can make it hard to get a clear view of present-day Indian America. The reality is that the 500+ Native nations in the United States confront many of the same day-to-day... czytaj dalej