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This book brings together original contributions by geographers from India, Western Europe and the United States. It provides important insights into the way contemporary geographers engage with broader intellectual... czytaj dalej
This volume presents a collection of papers written by senior marketing scholars based on their presentations upon receiving the "Society for Marketing Advances Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award"... czytaj dalej
Create queries that make forms and reports useful Develop forms to access the data you need and make reports that make sense! If you thought you had to use a spreadsheet program to produce reports and forms... czytaj dalej
Over a million self-employed Canadians work every day but many of them not entitled to the basic labour protections and rights such as minimum wages, maternity and parental leaves and benefits, pay equity,... czytaj dalej
This is a current, convenient, and practical guide to the management of over 125 cardiac problems encountered in daily practice. Each concise chapter includes definition, etiology, epidemiology, clinical... czytaj dalej
Now in it's Fourth Edition , this concise internal medicine textbook has been developed for third and fourth year medical students in clinical rotations. Driven by CDIM guidelines, its content consists of... czytaj dalej
This updated Third Edition provides a comprehensive review for those studying for board and recertificaion examinations. Keyed to the main textbook, Surgery: Scientific Principles Practice, Third Edition... czytaj dalej
This nursing research text focuses on how to read, understand, analyze, and evaluate research for utilization in clinical practice. Acclaimed for its readability, clear presentation, and balanced coverage of... czytaj dalej
Now in its revised, updated Sixth Edition, this text provides residents and medical students with a broad overview of adult and pediatric orthopaedics. Major sections focus on general and regional disorders... czytaj dalej
Now in its Second Edition, this text provides a strong foundation in the science of exercise nutrition and bioenergetics and explains how these principles work in the real world of human physical activity and... czytaj dalej