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Stringent industrial requirements of sophisticated performances and of circumstantial control for micro-devices or nanotechnology manufactures, and other types of machinery at multiple scales, can be satisfied... czytaj dalej
All students undertaking Level One undergraduate programmes in construction need to develop an understanding of basic building techniques. This up-to-date and dependable textbook takes the reader through the... czytaj dalej
Książka poświęcona jest zarządzaniu zmianami w przedsiębiorstwie. Autor przyjął jako punkt wyjścia stwierdzenie, że możliwości utrzymania, a następnie poprawy konkurencyjności uzależnione są od zdolności prowadzenia... czytaj dalej
A product of the Framework V research project, this book addresses one of the key problems facing the EU today: Why is the 'new' EU so much poorer than the 'old', and how will EU enlargement help to solve the... czytaj dalej
Brian Leiter is widely recognized as the leading philosophical interpreter of the jurisprudence of American Legal Realism, as well as the most influential proponent of the relevance of the naturalistic turn... czytaj dalej
Russia's accomplishments in planetary space exploration were not achieved easily. Formerly, the USSR experienced frustration in trying to tame unreliable Molniya and Proton upper stages and in tracking spacecraft... czytaj dalej
Autorami tomu są niemieccy, polscy, rosyjscy oraz ukraińscy doktoranci i studenci, którzy badali politykę historyczną i pamięć we Lwowie za pomocą wywiadów. Rezultatem tych badań jest naszkicowanie portretu... czytaj dalej
The twenty-two papers collected in this volume illustrate the itinerary of Henry Tulkens, an applied theorist, on the occasion of his retirement from teaching. The collection is structured in four parts: decentralized... czytaj dalej
The phenomenon of hypnosis provides a rich paradigm for those seeking to understand the processes that underlie consciousness. Understanding hypnosis tells us about a basic human capacity for altered experiences... czytaj dalej
Access today's best physiatry knowledge and techniquesin print and onlinewith the new multimedia of Dr. Braddom's masterfully organized reference! Inside the book, a multitude of international experts document... czytaj dalej