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Developments in Country Studies in International Accounting
H. Meek Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This important volume contains research articles about international accounting issues related to the countries of the Americas and the Far East. The volume is divided into three parts. The first part focuses... czytaj dalej

Earthscan reader in Sustainable Consumption.
S. Cutter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Politically, intellectually and socially, sustainable consumption is a controversial concept. Consumption drives our economies and defines our lives: making it sustainable is an enormous and essential challenge... czytaj dalej

Thieme Atlas of Anatomy v 1 General Anatomy & Musculoskeleta
Schuenke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy is a revolution in the presentation of human anatomy. It combines topographical views of different body regions, in stunning detail and unprecedented clarity, with the more classical... czytaj dalej

Amorphous & Microcrystalline Silicon Materials Science & Dev
N. Nickel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This Special Issue reviews the latest experimental and theoretical studies in the field of amorphous, nano- and microcrystalline silicon covering materials preparation, electrical and optical properties, characterization... czytaj dalej

Photodynamics Tumor Therapy
J. Moser Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The introductory section of this text provides a framework for standardizing results in biophysical terms. It is comprised of biophysical and biomedical definitions describing photosensitization and phototoxicity... czytaj dalej

Strategic Marketing
Alsem Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text is designed as a stand alone text in a Marketing Strategy course with a focus on building customer value through the firm's marketing activities. The author aims to indicate the specific steps that... czytaj dalej

Irwin Guide to "Wall St Journal"
Lehmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The bestselling guidebook to the world's most trusted newspaper, now fully revised and updated The Wall Street Journal has long been an essential daily business resource, and since 1984, The Irwin Guide to... czytaj dalej

Public Administration
D. Rosenbloom Wydawnictwo: angielskie

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION is one of the most widely adopted books for both undergraduate and graduate levels. The basis of its appeal is the authors' utilization of the three-part framework of management, politics... czytaj dalej

Pharmacokinetics Made Easy
Birkett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume features a collection of published articles that appeared in 'Australian Prescriber' on the subject of pharacokinetics. It aims to make the subject more accessible to its non-specialist audience... czytaj dalej

Qualitative Methods for Business
P. Dewhurst Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The new edition of Quantitative Methods for Business and Management offers a complete introductory course in Quantitative Methods, providing students with basic practical experience in quantitative approaches... czytaj dalej