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Alternate Therapies in the Treatment of Brain Injury & Neuro
G. Murrey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As traditional treatment success rates for many persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are proving less than effective, clinicians search for other therapies that may be more productive. Alternate Therapies... czytaj dalej

Gendering Politics & Policy
Hartmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Gendering Politics and Policy" discusses in depth how women and women's perspectives are changing politics and policy, in both the United States and around the world. This compelling resource surveys... czytaj dalej

Neurobiology of Autism
Bauman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the decade since the first edition of "The Neurobiology of Autism" was published, research has revealed valuable new information about the nature and origins of autism, including genetics and abnormalities... czytaj dalej

Conflict & Cooperation On South Asia's International
L. Perspective Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work analyzes five major bilateral treaty regimes on the South Asian subcontinent: between India and Bangladesh for the Ganges River; India and Nepal for the Kosi, Gandaki, and Mahakali rivers; and India... czytaj dalej

Fighting Corruption in East Asia
J. Arvis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Although attention has focused on public sector initiatives to fight corruption on the demand side, private companies have developed programmes of ethics and compliance to fight it on the "supply side"... czytaj dalej

Faith in Conservation
M. Palmer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What do the world's religions have to say about global development and its impact on the environment? What role can organized religion play in the planet's protection? This book explores the ecological worldviews... czytaj dalej

Invariant Theory of Finite Groups
Neusel Wydawnictwo: inne

The questions that have been at the center of invariant theory since the 19th century have revolved around the following themes: finiteness, computation, and special classes of invariants. This book begins... czytaj dalej

Quantitative Methods in Social Science
Gorard Wydawnictwo: inne

This clever scheme builds on Gorard's previous book, Quantitative Methods in Educational Research. He has revised the original book in the light of experience and feedback, and has reworked it so that it includes... czytaj dalej

Getting the Buggers to Do Their Homework
J. Stern Wydawnictwo: inne

Did you realise that properly structured homework can add the equivalent of one year to a student's full-time education? This invaluable guide provides teachers with a wide range of practical techniques that... czytaj dalej

Easier Fahterland Germany in the 21st Century
R. Crawshaw Wydawnictwo: inne

Germany is the most important and powerful country in Europe. And yet it remains strangely little understood - by itself, as much as by the rest of the world. It is in a state of remarkable flux, confronting... czytaj dalej