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Practice of Pediatric Orthopedics 2e
L. Staheli Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed for general orthopaedists, residents, paediatricians, physical therapists, and students, this generously illustrated full-colour reference is a practical, authoritative how-to guide to the essentials... czytaj dalej

Sprostowanie i odpowiedź prasowa
Bogusław Kosmus Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Prezentowana publikacja jest pierwszą monografią dotyczącą sprostowania i odpowiedzi prasowej od czasu uchwalenia ustawy - Prawo prasowe z 1984 r. Tematyka sprostowania i odpowiedzi prasowej należy do trudnych... czytaj dalej

Early Modern Catholicism
R. Miola Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Early Modern Catholicism makes available in modern spelling and punctuation substantial Catholic contributions to literature, history, political thought, devotion, and theology in the sixteenth and early seventeenth... czytaj dalej

Paradox of Constitutionalism
M. Loughlin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book sets out to examine some of the key features of what we describe as the paradox of constitutionalism: whether those who have the authority to make a constitution - the 'constituent power' - can do... czytaj dalej

Key Concepts in Information and Communication Technology
Roger I. Cartwright Wydawnictwo: Macmillan

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the synergy between computers and communication devices and forms an important part of the modern world. ICT features in more and more courses as its use expands... czytaj dalej

Development Under Stress
S. Kelegama Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book examines various impediments faced in the development process and implementation of reforms in Sri Lanka, particularly after economic liberalization in 1977. The author maintains that it is a case... czytaj dalej

Ekspertyza sądowa
Wójcikiewicz Józef Wydawnictwo: Wolters Kluwer

Podręcznik ten to unikalne dzieło 22 autorów, wybitnych specjalistów w zakresie nauk sądowych.Książka stanowi niezbędne źródło wiedzy zarówno dla studentów prawa, jak również dla aplikantów, sędziów, prokuratorów... czytaj dalej

Introduction to European Foreign Policy
C. Fraser Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by a Brussels insider, this book examines the origins, workings and priorities of the European Union's foreign policy and its role in world politics, arguing that the EU has become a new and increasingly... czytaj dalej

Real Thing
Groom Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For many in the West, Chinese contemporary art is still synonymous with the political realist painters of the 1980s and 90s, who recycled the styles of communist social Realism with pop cynicism. In China itself... czytaj dalej

Excusing Crime
J. Horder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When should someone who may have intentionally or knowingly committed criminal wrongdoing be excused? Excusing Crime examines what excusing conditions are, and why familiar excuses, such as duress, are thought... czytaj dalej